September 2010

  • Hungry grizzlies at lower elevations, find livestock, along with natural food- Although federal grizzly bear managers have been sanguine about the the death of whitebark pine in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem, the effect on the grizzlies is obvious in Wyoming. They have come down from the subalpine where the whitebark pine will never again have…

  • Below Kathie Lynch has another fact filled report on Yellowstone wolf watching and summary of the packs’ seasonal activity.  Right now the Canyon Pack is the only one still being seen. The wolves will return with the elk in October. Thanks for your report, Kathie. – – – – – – – – – –…

  • The very rich funding political causes is not new, but the billionaire Koch Brothers are finally getting much deserved publicity- That money is the “mothers milk of politics” is well known, but the identify of the mothers often isn’t. In recent years the role of really rich people funding their causes has mushroomed.  Rightwingers will…

  • Though Wyoming caused relisting of the wolf twice, they have no plans to change- The article interestingly enough says that Idaho’s Butch Otter and and Montana’s Brian Schweitzer haven’t bothered to ask Wyoming’s retiring Governor Freudenthal whether Wyoming intends to reconsider.” I’m not sure what to make of that. Wyoming not apologetic for thwarting wolf…

  • 4500 acres of 17,000 acre habitat important project to be burned this fall- Any comments about this will be welcome. The story says the burn could last as few as 6 days but as long as 6 weeks. So what about folks who live nearby? Prescribed burn set for Lower Slide Lake area. By Angus…

  • “We don’t know what’s going to happen without whitebark.”- I know it will soon be functionally extinct, although no doubt some token remnants will be protected from beetles and blister rust. Ecologically speaking, it is already almost gone. Here is a long essay on its demise and the effects. Feature article in New West. Grizzlies…

  • It took a long time, but Western Watersheds and Advocates for the West seem to have a final victory As a note, I am pleased to have been a plaintiff for the National Wildlife Federation in fighting this Bush era effort to exclude the public from having influence in grazing decisions, improperly grant property rights…

  • No one dead this time; relatively shallow water- This well was in production, unlike the Deepwater Horizon, BP disaster.  It tells me that major oil pollution might have become a permanent feature of the Gulf of Mexico. Oil sheen spreading from Gulf platform explosion. By Alan Levin and Julie Schmit, USA Today – – –…

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