November 2010

  • Idaho Fish and Game regional supervisor’s comments on this blog proven wrong by events- For about a year, the SE Idaho regional supervisor of Idaho Fish and Game Department, Mark Gamblin,  frequently commented on this blog. He was always polite even though some folks were not in their replies.  Of course, he laid out the…

  • Will Montana drop wolf management entirely? Carolyn Sime has been moved from her post as wolf coordinator to work on other issues but it appears that may not be the only change. It appears that Montana may be considering following Idaho’s lead and drop wolf management entirely. At least it is not “off the table”.…

  • Tony Mayer faces loss of hunting privileges and prison. After one of the charges, a felony, had been dismissed due to improper procedure with rating the elk antlers on the Boone and Crockett scale, the charge has been refiled. Tony Mayer, the founder of an anti-wolf website, once again faces a lifelong hunting ban. Felony…

  • Note that this replaces the 17th edition. That edition will now move slowly into the depths of the blog.   Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.

  • The survival or defeat of the wolf symbolizes the way people are able to access the land according to their culture- Lessons From Wolves by Jami Wright. Izilwane . Ms. Wright is a graduate student completing her thesis for a master’s degree in Cultural Anthropology at Western Washington University. Her thesis focuses on human-human conflicts…

  • Yellowstone herd also contains two distinct populations. It has long been postulated that Yellowstone bison are important because they remain the only continuously free roaming herd but their importance has been elevated with the disclosure of a recent report which says that they are also the only genetically pure herd among those managed by the Department of Interior.…

  • Otter reelected Idaho governor- One tidbit on the wolf issue.  Chet Edwards, a Blue Dog Democrat from Texas, author of the most anti-wolf bill in Congress lost big.  It is doubtful his bill was much of a factor. – – – – Misc. Montana ballot initiative I-161 which we discussed for a long time here,…

  • 17,000 dead bats/year in Oregon before a proposed 15-fold increase in wind energy. The drumbeat behind the “green energy” movement is beating louder for wind farms across the landscape, especially on public lands. At the rate that things are going there may be huge effects on bats and birds of many types. Oregon Field Guide…

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