November 2010

  • Montana and Wyoming infections and capture of elk. The last week has been filled with many stories about brucellosis and its impacts on wildlife and livestock. First, Montana has announced plans to capture and test elk for brucellosis then place radio collars on those females that test positive to see where they go and where…

  • It releases a great deal of carbon and produces much less new food than more intensive use of existing croplands- Lose-lose . . . sounds like a Western land use issue. Clearing tropical forests is a lose-lose. Michael Marshall. New Scientist.

  • Idaho’s highest court rules Judge John Bradbury lacked jurisdiction- This is not an immediate go ahead for the oil companies to move up Highway 12, but hopes for a quick kill of the oil juggernaut are gone. Update: I understand that this decision might allow the movement of 4 large coke drums up Highway 12.…

  • “There were 16 percent more elk in the northern Rockies in 2009 than there were in 1995 when wolves were reintroduced.” Kirk Robinson. Western Wildlife Conservancy. This is an interesting opinion piece. Wolf is unique in maintaining ecosystem health.  By Kirk Robinson. Salt Lake Tribune.

  • Wyoming Weekly Wolf News Report Oct 18-29, 2010 Nine Yellowstone Park wolf packs had pups this year: Agate, Black Tail, Delta, Canyon, 636 group, Lamar, Madison, Molly, Bechler My other comment is to notice the small number of livestock losses in Wyoming this year.

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