December 2010

  • Directs Department to prepare a new plan consistent with 2002 Legislative Plan. The IDFG Commission voted unanimously to suspend the 2008-2012 wolf management plan, which maintains a wolf population of 518 wolves in the state of Idaho, and directed the Department to prepare “an appropriate wolf species management plan, consistent with the 2002 Idaho Wolf…

  • Save Elk, Prosecute Anti-wolf Activists You may recall that Blaine County Judge Ted Israel recently dismissed a felony elk poaching charge against anti-wolf activist Tony Mayer, the founder of At that time, the court held that there was probable cause to pursue misdemeanor charges for the offense.  However, Mr. Mayer’s felony charge was dismissed without…

  • Article says it was not hunt to fill family freezer . . . a hunt for personal publicity- There has been some discussion in our forum about Palin’s TV, caribou hunt. . . . questions about the rifle she used, her shooting ability, and so forth. Here’s one that goes to the heart of the…

  • It is an academic blog dedicated to the social and political aspects–the so-called “human dimensions”–of wildlife management- Wildlife Conservation Policy. Jeremy Bruskotter is an assistant professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at the Ohio State University. He regularly discusses wildlife conservation policy here on The Wildlife News.

  • JB’s research shows wolf stories are most negative in places where they are just beginning to colonize- Our own JB (Jeremy T. Bruskotter) and colleagues have just had their article “Attitudes Toward Wolves in the United States and Canada: A Content Analysis of the Print News Media, 1999-2008” published in the refereed Journal, Human Dimensions…

  • Schweitzer says talks have broken down, probably for good! According to the story, Idaho and Wyoming would not go along with a deal for a wolf hunt and delisting in Idaho and Montana because they wanted a legislative fix in addition. Montana governor says wolf deal dead. AP in the Bozeman Chronicle.

  • Cpl. Jeff Jayne, accused, is reported to be another anti-wolf worrier about declining elk, etc- This is from back in late November, but it is incredible.  There hasn’t been any recent news on this, but here is the article in the Bonner County newspaper. Bonner County, Idaho abuts Canada. I thought the story should get…

  • Wants fish and game managment returned to “the people” at the county level- Accused elk poacher Rex Rammell has his say in a guest editorial today in Pocatello’s Idaho State Journal. Guilty until proven innocent. By Rex Rammell. Op ed in the Idaho State Journal

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