February 2011

  • This one is from Utah Department of Natural Resources Director Michael Styler told a legislative committee Tuesday that the return of the wolves is comparable to “the resurrection of the T. rex and turning him loose on the landscape.” Natural Resources director compares wolf to ‘T. rex’ The Salt Lake Tribune. – – – –…

  • Government slaughter could irreparably harm bison species. Recently I referenced unpublished data indicating that bison suffer from compromised mitochondrial DNA which could be exacerbated by government slaughter without any examination as to how it will affect the already genetically compromised herd.  That information has now been released. Historically, bison have gone through what is known…

  • Note that this replaces the 21st edition. That edition will now move slowly into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.

  • …in Australia Why don’t scientists and government officials of this country understand the threats associated with livestock grazing in fragile ecosystems, like the arid west and high alpine areas, as the scientists and government officials of Australia do?   Just like Australia, we have environmental laws that are being broken, but rather than enforce those…

  • Helicopter netting of elk as part of a brucellosis study Yesterday the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks was out using a helicopter to capture elk with nets so that they could test them for brucellosis, attach radio collars, and implant vaginal devices intended to drop out when the elk give birth or abort…

  • What is the most widespread predator in most landscapes? Dogs are, and they have important impacts to many wildlife species. From deer and elk to nesting birds to just about any species they interact with, they can be a nuisance, disease carrier, and predator.

  • George Wuerthner gives us the facts on the brucellosis fraud- Bison Slaughter A Smoke Screen for Livestock Industry. “The on-going slaughter of Yellowstone National Park bison is justified on the basis of disease control—namely trying to prevent transmission of brucellosis from bison to cattle. While the potential economic impact brucellosis is real, the likelihood is…

  • My question: Isn’t that the true plan? For the Butch Otters, Mike Crapos, and Jim Risches of the world, Idaho is just a place to get the elected.  They don’t really see their job as representing the people in their geographic constituency.  They are simply a problem for manipulation every couple of years.  Meanwhile bring…

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