March 2011

  • Human Activity Displaces Predators More Than Prey. Science Daily.

  • Note that this replaces the 24th edition. That edition will now move slowly into the depths of the blog. Please don’t post entire articles here, just the link, title and your comments about the article. Most of these violate copyright law. They also take up too much space.

  • Severe winter in Eastern Montana is taking huge toll on pronghorn, other ungulates- In deep snow, antelope often seek out railroad tracks and highways so they can move.  When a train comes, and fences on both sides, hundreds can die; and they are, right now. Herds of desperate ungulates dying on Montana railroads, highways.Written by…

  • A followup article to the one about the Eastern cougar declared extinct- Call of the cougar long gone from the East. Big cats extinct despite reports of sightings, federal officials say. By Brian Nearing. Times Union Staff Writer, OR not The Eastern Cougar: Dead or Alive? By Felicity Barringer. New York Times. Eastern catamount may…

  • This is one of the best reviews and interviews of Carter Niemeyer since his book, Wolfer, came out early this year. Former wolf hit man Carter Niemeyer an unlikely advocate. By Julie Sullivan. Oregonian.  

  • A good question, given all the unprosecuted, indeed celebrated, criminals at high levels- Tim DeChristopher was convicted at his trial after not being allowed to explain the motives for his prank. Do Motives Matter? The DeChristopher Verdict. The New York Times. By Kirk Johnson. Inside traders, coal and oil company disaster creators, military contractors break…

  • Senator Tester gets delisting added to Senate version of the budget- Tester amends federal budget bill to declare wolves recovered in Montana, Idaho. By Rob Chaney. Missoulian. The recent CR (Continuing Resolution) that passed Congress avoiding a government shutdown for two weeks provided short term relief on wolf delisting by Congress, but it is just…

  • American Sheep Industry Association asks key U.S. Senator not to cut funding for notorious wildlife killing agency- The President has proposed cutting the budget of USDA Wildlife Services by 10-million dollars. President Obama said there needs to be shared sacrifice although so far it seems to be teachers, police, sick people, students, science, reproductive health,…

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