April 2011

  • Idaho Rivers United editorial in the Idaho Statesman- Megaloads have no place in Idaho. By Bill Sedivy. Idaho Statesman.

  • Says that the agreement is illegal Today Montana District Court Judge Donald Molloy denied the settlement agreement put forth by 10 of the 14 environmental groups who sued to keep wolves protected under the Endangered Species Act.  The settling parties had asked the judge to set aside his previous ruling which found that the USFWS…

  • Well, they’ve done it. They’ve reached an agreement to keep language in the upcoming budget bill which would delist wolves everywhere in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming. (Added to clarify what has happened) While this process doesn’t immediately delist wolves, it cannot be challenged. It is unclear exactly what the language says but presumably wolves…

  • High levels of antibiotics and other drugs found in cattle linked to dairies The Boise Weekly has written another strong exposé on Idaho dairies and how the State’s regulators are utterly failing to regulate them or test their products for dangerous levels of antibiotics and other drugs. Got Milk? Got Drugs? Got Both?: State Responds…

  • Rocky Barker has a blog today about the upcoming status of public lands in the government shutdown. National forests and BLM lands will remain open but national parks close. By Rocky Barker. Idaho Statesman Update. Looks like some deal was worked out late Friday night. Government remains open

  • The Endangered Species Act in Peril Yesterday I received an envelope containing a report which was hand-delivered to every member of the U.S. Congress. The report was prepared by the group Living with Wolves which was founded by filmmakers Jim and Jamie Dutcher. Their mission statement reads: Living with Wolves is dedicated to raising awareness about…

  • Shutdown is likely. National Parks will be closed. Other public lands? It looks more and more like a government shutdown of uncertain duration. Dept of Interior just made it clear that national parks and monuments will be closed down and “secured.”  I have to wonder what will happen come Saturday to all those currently inside…

  • ” . . . our Legislature has completely abandoned reasoned discourse.” Editorial basically says Idaho legislature has gone bonkers. And in the end, hysteria triumphs in Idaho Legislature. Magic Valley (Twin Falls, ID) Times-News. Most of the comment on the blog has been about what happens to the wolves, but my take has also been…

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