June 2011

  • The Snake River Canyon between Alpine and Jackson Hole, Wyoming is notable for its unstable mountainslopes. This mountain range is very prone to earthflows, one reason the Snake River Range is not cut up with dirt roads. The whole place would come down. However, a U.S. Highway has followed the canyon for perhaps 75 years,…

  • George Wuerthner has authored this important report evaluating the objects of current and historical predator management and its consequences. Management of Predators: A need for changes in policies By George Wuerthner, May 2011 – Commissioned by Big Wildlife ABSTRACT: Management of predators has historically been based on extirpation and/or a grudging tolerance of low populations.…

  • Here is an important, but little reported story from Demarcated Landscapes- Fire evacuations in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area. Update: Arizona fire: Residents forced to flee as winds fuel blaze. Threats to towns rise as governor declares a state of emergency. Arizona Republic. Update 2: Burnout to help endangered wolf pups in wildfire’s path.…

  • Grand Teton Park’s grizzly bear 610 has her first cubs- Daughter of famous griz is a mom now, too: Grand Teton wildlife watchers thrilled by new generation. Jackson Hole News and Guide. By Cory Hatch Here is a feel good story, and the old gal, gb399, is still around! For years 399 and her three…

  • Centralized corporate solar energy is green? not a chance! Story on testimony by Frank de Rosa, First Solar executive. Arizona Daily Star. This guy sounds just like an oil company executive with his complaints that they can’t just bulldoze wildlife and vegetation on our public lands. We need to kill this kind of solar energy…

  • Billings Gazette story only tells about Montana, but there is more- What a winter!  I should say “what a spring.” There wasn’t much of it. April and May just kept adding to the mountain snowpack. The article below tells about Montana, but Idaho, western Wyoming and Utah are not much different. All that snow, and…

  • This is a rational look at wolf-livestock, pet conflicts- By “rational,” I mean unemotional calculation of risk and costs/benefits of various actions. Ralph Maughan – – – – University of Wisconsin news release Livestock risks from Wisconsin wolves localized, predictable Wednesday, June 1, 2011 A map, generated by researchers at University of Wisconsin-Madison and the…

  • The Challis (Idaho) wild horse herd is the largest in Idaho, occasionally growing to 400 or so animals. It maintains very distinct boundaries — on its north the Salmon River, on the south Road Creek, on the east U.S. Highway 93, and on the west the East Fork Salmon Road. Every 2-3 years the U.S.…

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