Another new wolf pack confirmed in Washington State

The new Teanaway Pack is in the Che Elum area of the Cascade Mountains about an hour’s drive from Seattle. Its discovery could bring the number of WA state wolves to as many as 25. The other packs are the Lookout Pack in Okanogan County, and the Salmo and Diamond Packs in Pend Oreille (PONDER Ray) County.

Story in the Spokane Spokesman Review. Fourth breeding wolf pack confirmed in Washington. Posted by Rich

The wolves were found with trails cameras deployed by the conservation group, aptly named “Conservation Northwest” and state and federal agencies.






  1. Dude, the bagman Avatar
    Dude, the bagman

    Yay for the wolves. Boo for the trail cameras.

  2. jon Avatar

    Hunters on the hunting washington forum think wolf packs are being planted in Washington. I fear for all of the wolves in WA. The hunters do not want them there.

    1. william huard Avatar
      william huard

      That’s too bad for them. They are always whining about something. Wolves are easy- they can’t defend themselves

      1. jon Avatar

        Someone sent me these comments made by washington hunters on a washington hunting forum. A lot of them are pretty disturbing if not all. After reading these comments, I don’t think the wolves are going to make it in Washington

        Washington For Wildlife

        Posts: 2339
        Location: westside, wa

        Polio and small pox are deadly organisms that wipe out populations of humans. Wolves are deadly organisms that wipe out Elk. You say we should wipe out polio and small pox but not wolves. Therefore you are saying that your life is more important then an Elk’s. Polio and Small Pox are natural they were not made by humans so that is “just mother nature at work”. No different then wolves. Wolves are a plague on wildlife..

        Washington For Wildlife

        Posts: 2339
        Location: westside, wa

        Do you think wolves are vermin and should be exterminated?

        Short answer, Yes. I know that will never happen again so I would settle for heavily managed.


        Posts: 1995
        Location: oak harbor wa

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #102 on: June 04, 2011, 04:24:11 PM »
        If a wolf ever kills one of my dogs, I will go on a wolf killing spree Those pics of the dead dogs really have gotten my blood pumping


        Posts: 1995
        Location: oak harbor wa

        you are what I refer to as a hippy, and supporting a invasive species is far worse than SSS


        Posts: 121

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #206 on: June 05, 2011, 10:47:58 PM »
        What scares me the most about this whole situation is how the government has stifled our ability to protect personal property and our way of life. I can’t believe that the USFWS would have the balls to tell anyone that the only thing they can do if a wolf attacks their pet is watch. And then tell ranchers “oh yeah sorry about that, our bad, here is some money to help cover you loses. Oh and by the way there is gonna be alot more of them coming your way because people in NY and SF like the idea of wolves in their country.” I’m not a rancher, but if I was I would want to sue USFWS for ruining my livelihood. I know this is horrible to say, but I really think that someone is going to have to be hurt or killed in the lower 48 before anybody realizes how bad of a mistake this was, and the most unfortunate part is that it will probably be a child. Mark my words, this will eventually happen, and when it does, I hope the family of the victim sues the living sh*t outta the USFWS and community members go on a wolf killing spree.

        In nature, predators kill their competition. It happens all the time. Wolves are our competition, so let em fly.


        Posts: 1995
        Location: oak harbor wa

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #293 on: Yesterday at 11:13:50 AM »
        Im sure a few good OL boys will manange some wolves on there own


        Posts: 27
        Location: Hermiston, Oregon

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #344 on: Yesterday at 02:11:12 PM »
        Definition of poaching: The illegal shooting, trapping, or taking of game or fish from private or public property…..Grey wolf is a non native much larger species of wolf, not like the timber wolf that is or will be extinct. I don’t consider them game, they are considered invasive, they should be exterminated. Your letting the state shove them down your throat, believe this…the wolfies have transported more then a pack or two to your neck of the woods, and they do it with your money!

        YAR TOWN CRIER *************
        Washington For Wildlife

        Posts: 1731
        Location: TRI-CITIES

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #356 on: Yesterday at 02:23:11 PM »
        Quote from: robertg on Yesterday at 02:20:23 PM
        Quote from: Machias on Yesterday at 02:16:40 PM
        Quote from: robertg on Yesterday at 02:12:48 PM
        Quote from: pianoman9701 on Yesterday at 02:07:07 PM
        Are you kidding? Look back through the posts. Lots of people are talking about taking this into their own hands.

        yesterday, a guy by the name of machias said “we need to kill every wolf we see and don’t stop until they are all dead”. I didn’t see his comment on here, so I assume the mods took it off. Extremist attitudes like this won’t do the hunter’s cause any good. Advocating breaking the law doesn’t help anyone’s cause.

        So robertg following the law, how’s that working for Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Minn, Wis??

        It’s working good. Come fall, there will be a hunting season on wolves in Idaho and Montana.



        Posts: 1968

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #360 on: Yesterday at 02:28:19 PM »
        Robertg, I ain’t care who shot wolf. I support all people who shot wolves. Trust me u never experience what all wolves been thur. If I am wrong if wolves ran to kill ur dog in ur yard. I am sure u perfer watch wolves tear ur dog every inch in front of ur children. Trust me I think u have wrong pic of view and I agree with machias to shoot every wolf u see. Great Depression is coming and I remember all stories from 1925-1930 they kill hundreds wolves because Feds have no Funds. . I am ready and with plently ammo to go out hunting all wolves after Great Depression start.


        Washington For Wildlife

        Posts: 2339
        Location: westside, wa

        Polio and small pox are deadly organisms that wipe out populations of humans. Wolves are deadly organisms that wipe out Elk. You say we should wipe out polio and small p


        Posts: 491
        Location: Wenatchee, WA

        Re: twisp rancher found guilty of killin 3 wolves !!!!!!
        « Reply #17 on: Yesterday at 10:10:23 PM »
        well atleast he got 3 dogs! atleast he is going to jail for a good reason lol


        Posts: 657

        Re: twisp rancher found guilty of killin 3 wolves !!!!!!
        « Reply #23 on: Today at 06:33:28 AM »
        SSS, too bad he didn’t follow the definition. I hope he gets off!


        Posts: 860
        Location: eastside

        Re: twisp rancher in trouble for killin 3 wolves !!!!!!
        « Reply #29 on: Today at 07:37:56 AM »
        Im glad he took out three wolves, to bad he couldn’t get more


        Posts: 22
        Location: Toledo

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #9 on: June 03, 2011, 08:48:26 PM »
        There was a reason our forefathers killed them off.

        Washington For Wildlife

        Posts: 943

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #11 on: June 03, 2011, 08:54:51 PM »
        We need to lower the penalties for the taking of wolves out of season. Make it equal to the lowest parking infraction.


        Posts: 1286
        Location: Shelton, WA
        Hunting Washington’s resident liberal

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #22 on: June 03, 2011, 09:47:12 PM »
        So, what can be done?

        1. Vote our dems out of office? Good luck with that. Besides, having a conservative gov’t body hasn’t helped Montana or Idaho fight this battle.

        2. Voice our concerns? Seems like after the past decade of doing this, it falls on deaf ears.’

        3. Try to work with those in power to come to an amicable resolution? Doesn’t seem like their interested.

        4. SSS? Illegal if caught. Tough to find the animals and probably too many to shoot, especially without getting caught.

        I hate feeling like there is nothing that can be done but, I’m starting to feel like that about the wolves.


        Posts: 1286
        Location: Shelton, WA
        Hunting Washington’s resident liberal

        And they were exterminated for a reason

        Site Sponsor
        Old Salt

        Posts: 23877
        Location: Selah, Washington

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #68 on: June 04, 2011, 12:15:37 PM »
        They should be allowed to exist as much as Coyotes are. Open season all year long. If they can cut it they willl. They will survive as they have in years past, in the back country where they belong. Their population will never be large enough to hurt big game populations and yet they will survive just fine

        Family, Friends, & The Great Outdoors
        Old Salt

        Posts: 6503
        Location: Colville
        “Gotta Luv Bear Huntin”

        Non-native Northern canadian grays were planted in Idaho. ITS DOCUMENTED….
        THEY are not natural to our environment. It would be like planting Alaska moose, our native Shiras moose would be bred and outcompeted into extinction.

        WA hunter14
        Off Topics Member

        Posts: 54
        Location: Orting, WA

        Re: Wolf Wars have moved to Washington
        « Reply #87 on: June 04, 2011, 02:57:38 PM »
        Quote from: robertg on June 04, 2011, 11:10:50 AM

        gray wolves are a native species. The population will be managed when there are 15 breeding pairs. you hunters who are advocating “sss” are no better than poachers.

        wolfs are the same thing as poachers, human poachers are hunters who shoot more than they are legally supposed to,out of season,not obey the hunting laws. wolfs do all of those plus they don’t humanely kill their prey, they don’t limit their self’s to 1elk a year. If you kill a wolf its like preventing a poacher that is really good at what he does to do it. hunters are managing the wildlife populations just fine why do we need wolfs? cause people want to look at them? 15 breeding pairs of talented poachers? stupid unnecessary idea. robertg why don’t you say what you have said to hunters in a elk hunting camp in lolo or any area where wolves are destroying the elk population, someone might use SSS on you, and by the way saying someone “advocating” SSS is no better then a poacher is just stupid just because they are advocating it doesn’t mean they are doing it and if they aren’t doing it then they are better than the person doing it. someone who SSS wolves is like a game warden in a way


        1. Ralph Maughan Avatar
          Ralph Maughan


          These comments are well informed compared to those on other issues 😉

        2. william huard Avatar
          william huard


          These people are social outcasts and lunatics…. Think of what “bearpaw” or “mulehunter” looks like. 5 feet tall and hasn’t showered in a month. One of the guys spells like a third grader……

          1. william huard Avatar
            william huard

            And I keep telling myself these posts are not indicative of the modern american hunter……..

          2. Phil Avatar

            Don’t forget about the 300lbs on the 5’0 footer.

          3. william huard Avatar
            william huard

            I had to laugh when I read “They are not natural to our environment.” We got a real biology major there…..

          4. jon Avatar

            William, if these people are going to threaten to kill wolves whether they are being serious or not, shouldn’t they be more than 15 breeding pairs? To threaten to kill a wolf illegally because you didn’t get your way is a little sad if you ask me.

          5. william huard Avatar
            william huard


            Of course it’s sad. People that are not educated have less tolerance for laws they don’t like…..These are a sign of the times. I’ve never ever seen anything like this current political climate- ever!
            Hunters that behave this way need to hear from ethical hunters that really truly care about the environment, ecosystems, and all wildlife not just the animals they want to kill.

        3. ProWolf in WY Avatar
          ProWolf in WY

          Jon, do you find it strange that these people who are living in the 1800s know how to use a computer? It seems to me that if you want that lifestyle you wouldn’t be using a computer.

        4. Peter Kiermeir Avatar
          Peter Kiermeir

          You´ll find them everywhere. Billings Gazette is my personal favourite! Thus it became rather tame after they introduced kind of moderation. Befor that it was just sick!

        5. Nancy Avatar

          Jon – those comments remind me of the auditions for America’s Got Talent (a TV show) Thousands stepped on stage and it was absolutely mind boggling just how many actually thought they had talent. Such is the case above – when it comes to knowledge 🙂

  3. william huard Avatar
    william huard

    Good news !! What is the latest update on the Enviro-terrorist White wolf poaching case? This is a real opportunity to tell the scumbag poachers that killing wolves illegally will not be tolerated……Keep humans away from wildlife and they adapt. They are very resilient.

  4. WM Avatar

    Cle Elum is an old coal mining and one time logging town of less than 2,000 people, along I-90 on the east side of the Cascades. A closer community as a reference point would have been Ellensburg (site of the wolf working group meeting where they couldn’t reach agreement on basic parts of the management plan). Lots of elk hunters in the area, and even more rednecks. Many more hunters come from the Ellensburg, Yakima and Seattle areas to hunt the Teanaway and the adjacent Colockum.

    I am guessing this would have been better news reported AFTER the WA wolf management plan gets approved.

    Played high school basketball in Cle Elum years ago, and remember their stinky, smelly gym. Used to get spat on from the bleachers that literally hung above the basketball court. It is still a gritty little town, with not much going on.

    On the positive side, Cle Elum has two butcher shops on their main street, one of which makes the best Lanjaeger sausage.

  5. WM Avatar

    The Teanaway pack news made the front page print copy (above the fold) of the Seattle Times today:

  6. Jerry Black Avatar
    Jerry Black

    WM……the good news is that the demographics of the Rosyln, Cle Elum area has changed considerably….many more “commuters” to Seattle and lots more home offices. Thus the average IQ has risen since your bb days. People are beginning to see through the recent anti-wolf propaganda campaign sponsored by the RMEF who have held meetings East of Seattle to frighten the hell out of parents and kids.
    You forgot to mention the bakery in Cle Elum and the best milkshakes at the Dairy Queen across the street….always a treat after a day of fishing the upper Yakima and or the Teanaway.

    1. WM Avatar


      I think you are right to some degree,though I don’t know about the commuters to Seattle (maybe they telecommute part of the year). Snoqualmie Pass can be nasty in winter. The rednecks, many with no future, are still around, however. Certainly the new upscale, but presently floundering, Suncadia resort/golf course complex has contributed to the positive changing demographics. More elk on the golf course, or in the gardens of residents with wolves near? I dunno.

      The little burger joint next to the autoparts place has great milkshakes, too, and my wife frequently demands we stop at the bakery. We try to support local businesses.

      Roslyn (famed for its relatively long lived Hollywood fame as the exterior set for the TV series “Northern Exposure” of the 1990’s, posing as Sicily, AK), I hear is still pretty much the same as it was before its 15 minutes of fame, but I haven’t stopped in there in years.

      1. Daniel Berg Avatar
        Daniel Berg


        I always wondered why the elk enjoyed bedding down on the actual greens so much as opposed to just the fairways. They also seemed to poke around the bunkers next to the greens from time to time.

        The rednecks are definitely still around. I think it would be difficult to find one fire pit up past Salmon la Sac heading into Alpine Lakes along the road that doesn’t have at least one battery in it. Last time I was there I found about two dozen failed attempts at making a sparkler bomb (Taking a fistful of sparklers, wrapping them tightly in duct-tape, then lighting it).

    2. Phil Avatar

      Jerry: I would agree with you that people are seeing through the propaganda of what the anti-wolf side is saying. It isn’t just in the Washington area you are referring to, but even across the midwest people are figuring out the garbage the anti-wolfers are sponsoring, although not so much coming from the RMEF. Even the hunting community is not as high against the wolves as they are in the NRM. You will find the ones who have the same views on wolves as some of the hunters in the states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana, but that population of anti-wolves is about 1/4 less then it is in NRM states.

      Put the hunters aside and many of the local residents are fully aware of the agendas of some who portray wolves in the ways they do. There are many Michigan wildlife groups (Sierra Club, Michigan Wildlife Conservancy, Michigan State University, amongst some other ones). Education will always be needed to grasp understanding on the natural behaviors of wildlife. Your IQ statement is very crucial for people to understand what is realistic and what is not, and mix that in with the education aspect from wildlife agencies and many people will (should) have the knowledge on how wildlife works.

    3. Daniel Berg Avatar
      Daniel Berg

      Owen’s Meats makes an interesting beef jerky.

      That’s one hell of a commute from Roslyn to to the west side. I’ve talked to several who do it, and it weighs on you over time. Even my buddy who drives from Snoqualmie Pass can barely handle it. I don’t know how many people actually drive that day in and day out.

      One thing that changed Roslyn/Cle Elum was Suncadia. I helped open up the first golf course when I was in college. There was so much hype over that development; they were hoping for a Sun River of the north. The housing crash and subsequent recession has taken a big toll, however. There are homes listed now for around half of what they would have gone for in 2008 on the course. The resort itself is currently being run bare-bones in terms of overhead.

      The Teanaway area is also where they proposed building a several hundred acre solar reserve. It is a wasteful and unecessary project and I hope it never gets built. One of the current hold-ups is that the development company has been whining for even more tax incentives.

  7. WM Avatar

    Well, the inevitable rumors have started. Where did those Cle Elum/Teanaway wolves come from? How long have they been there? Is WA Wildlife keeping secrets?

    1. Daniel Berg Avatar
      Daniel Berg


      Do you have any sort of opinion on Conservation Northwest?

      The Nile has been a favorite area for wolf sightings. I’ve heard different claims about hybrids loose, WDFW actually trying to trap a wolf down there, etc. I don’t know that any of it is/isn’t true. It would be shocking to me if there were actually wolves down there; much more so than the discovery of the Teanaway Pack.

      1. WM Avatar


        I really don’t know much about CNW. I casually know one of its board directors. They have been around awhile, seem pretty much mainstream, and have picked good issues to advocate. Probably have a sugar daddy Microsoftie or other deep pockets, somewhere in the finance food chain, as some of the larger 501c(3)’s often do.

        I used to know the Nile area pretty well, and had friends who lived on the flat just off the river to the west of the big landslide from two years ago, that everybody has heard about. Next time I am over that way I will ask if anybody knows what is really going on with wolf/hybrid sightings That area, by the way, does not have alot of rednecks. Fair number of well educated retired folks (Forest Service and school teachers) and residents who commute to Yakima for work. A little logging and some gravel operations. Quite a few elk and deer hunters.

  8. Immer Treue Avatar
    Immer Treue

    Was not one of the “rumors” that they were parachuting wolves into Washington. When one looks at what follows the article, it’s easy to see the paranoia genesis.

    Without environmental groups filing law suits, wolves don’t have much of a chance. This is not to read anti-anything, it’s just that hunters, gun rights groups, ranchers, agriculturewere already organized.

    As an aside, when I read comments that state we got rid of them before… Was it not the Feds that were largely responsible through the Biological Survey led by Young and others who were really responsible for wolf eradication. Even during that time, there was a “science” lead campaign against that extermination program.

    1. JEFF E Avatar
      JEFF E

      There have always been wolves traveling down the Cascades same as the Rockies. When Canada changed it’s “scorched earth” policy in regards to predator control in the mid -eighties then more wolves(and other wildlife)were able to move through the rocky mountain and cascade ecosystems, north and south. The only surprise is that it has taken this long for some wolves to go unnoticed by the farm bureau.


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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