July 12, 2011

  • “A fearful few wage war on American’s wolves. The war comes because agribusiness exaggerates and lies about wolf predation.” Are Wolves the Real Killers ? – Huffington Post – Wendy Keefover-Ring The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the agribusiness industry can be counted among the fearful few, killing wolves with alarming readiness. USDA…

  • At least they got a reception.  Sounds like fun. Earth Firsters, megaload protesters occupy governor’s office – Missoulian Schweitzer told the group he would not cede to their demands before they started playing the piano and dancing on the big table in the governor’s reception room in apparent frustration with the direction of the meeting.…

  • Though polar bears did not originate in Ireland, all may have a maternal line to one ancestral female brown bear in Ireland- Today’s sophisticated genetic analysis keeps finding the most interesting bits of biological history. DNA hints at polar bears’ Irish ancestry. By Susan Miliu. Science News.

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