September 2011
A textbook example of how do it wrong? A couple hiking to Wapiti Lake in Yellowstone Park surprised a grizzly bear and soon the man was dead. The woman had minor injuries. Bear experts have issued a report on the incident. They suggest that because the couple fled from the surprised bear, and screaming and…
Anti-wolf extremists seek to threaten reporting on wolves- It seems like a fair piece to me, although the report consistently overestimates the number of wolves. There are no longer 1700 wolves in the Northern Rockies. There never were 1000 in Idaho though this is what the report says. Cowboys v. Gray Wolves. The usual suspects…
Changes help livestock industry overall but does it change much on the ground for wildlife? Last week it was announced that another herd of cattle had likely become infected with brucellosis. Six cattle from a herd in Park County, Montana tested positive for exposure and have been quarantined to await test results to confirm the…
Risch, Crapo, Labrador introduce bill to allow people to defend themselves during grizzly bear attacks — a cynical redundancy! They already can. We knew Idaho’s congressional delegation would try to make hay over the recent death of one of two bear hunters who wounded a grizzly bear, tracked it and was killed when it charged.…
There is a fight going on in Oregon between wolf advocates and ranchers. Nothing new right? Well, this one has a twist. As it stands now, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) biologists are who make the determinations as to whether a wolf is responsible for killing livestock or not. Ranchers don’t like that…
GOP-backed bill tries to give Homeland Security a pass on environmental laws within 100 miles of international borders for “national security” The “National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act (H.R. 1505),” is slowly moving in the GOP-controlled House. So far hearings have been held. Supporters say it would help border patrol activities by waiving 36…
Now could the 4 dams clogging the lower Snake River be removed? The 105 feet high Elwha Dam and the 210 foot high Glines Canyon Dam on the Elwha River will soon come down. There was a big celebration at Port Angeles, Washington. I can’t wait to see the return of salmon to this coastal river.…
Rare grizzly of the Cabinet-Yaak, wounded, apparently turns on hunter’s partner and kills him- Note that the story below has been superseded. The hunter who ended up dead was shot by his partner as the grizzly attacked him. The bullet was, of course, likely meant for the bear. Matters are still being investigated as of…