October 18, 2011

  • Mexico has released five Mexican gray wolves into a mountain range just south of the Arizona and New Mexico border. If the wolves happen to enter the U.S. then they will be fully protected under the Endangered Species Act. Wolves released in Mexico mountains near Arizona. Arizona Star

  • If climate change will make an area now covered with evergreens ideal as an oak savanna ecosystem in the near future, should we start building the savannas now? Discounting the well funded right wing climate change skeptics, most folks realize that what is now evergreen forest will turn into deciduous forest as things warm. This…

  • Last year, due to the constant disruption of the Japanese whaling fleet by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the massive earthquake, and the resulting tsunami, it looked like the whalers had given up. Unfortunately they plan on returning to the Southern Ocean to hunt whales again this year and Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd…

  • 9th Circuit Filings – Constitutional Challenge to Wolf Delisting Rider ^Update 10/18/11 – Posted: Alliance for the Wild Rockies et al’s Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Motion for Summary Judgement Response Briefs (Appellees US Fish and Wildlife Service; Intervenors RMEF, NRA, & Montana/Idaho Farm Bureaus; Montana Amicus Brief) **Update 8/24/11 – Posted:  Alliance for…

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