December 4, 2011

  • Did Canada cover up the emergence of Atlantic salmon virus on the Pacific Coast for nine years? In late October we ran the story that infectious salmon anemia (ISA), which has devastated Atlantic salmon and salmon farms in Chile was found in three wild Pacific salmon. It might have spread to west coast fish farms…

  • Fifteen breeding pairs with a required minimum in three regions of the state will be required- Olympia, WA. The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission has finally given official approval to a state wolf plan. Before state (this is not a federal) delisting is met there are supposed to be 15 breeding pairs of wolves, not…

  • The world ran on biomass before the mid-19th century- Biomass is not 21st century energy technology; it is closer to 18th century- Years ago when I first began to study energy, our economy and environment, I learned that the great advances in the deployment of energy came from the discovery of the fossil fuels —…

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