May 2014
Group asks increase in elk permits so public land cows can continue during drought- Even though cattle graze for just $1.35 an animal unit month (an AUM) on Forest Service land, a group of central Utah livestock operators has asked the Utah Wildlife Board for an increase in elk permits because there isn’t enough forage…
A rural minority rules the urban majority in the West, Why? We read that Westerners are moving to take back the federal lands, or Westerners are upset about too much environmental protection. We watch Old West Cliven Bundy get away with stealing grass and his supporters massing to maybe gun down BLM law enforcement in…
Our readers find a lot of news, and they have many comments. Please post your news and comments below at “Leave a reply.” Here is the link to the old thread that’s now being retired — April 17, 2014.
Land transfer to states would mean less land access for typical American- The idea that the states are really the constitutional, legal, rightful owner of the U.S. public lands is without merit. Origin of U.S. public lands The United States owns 650-million acres of land. That is about 30 per cent of the land area of…
Wildlife solutions will irritate many people- A new AP story tells us that the incidence of deer tick borne Lyme Disease continues to grow in the U.S. Northeast and to spread. Worse, the very cold winter did not seem to reduce the number of the ticks significantly as some had predicted. The “deer tick” that primarily…
Adult male grizzly was shot May 7 near the Cave Falls Road- Idaho spring black bear season began April 15, and the first Greater Yellowstone grizzly death of the season has been logged. An eleven-year old male griz was shot by someone (so far unidentified) just off the Cave Falls Road near the southwest corner of…
The following is a press release from The Western Environmental Law Center. Wildlife advocates’ win forces federal government to prepare long overdue recovery plan for threatened Canada Lynx. Missoula, MT – In a critical win for the rare and elusive Canada lynx, a federal court in Montana found that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s…
The 2013 Idaho Wolf Report, describes wolf research being conducted in Idaho and one of the projects involves entering wolf dens and placing expandable radio collars on 2-4 week old pups. This is an expansion of a project that started last year that involved placing expandable radio collars and surgically implanting radio tags on 11…