March 2016
Texas right wing religious nut in Idaho to scam delegates- Ted Cruz, the most immoderate person running for President, is in Idaho stumping for Republican delegates to be chosen in their March 8 primary election. It is not impossible that Ted Cruz could win enough delegates to throw the Republican convention into brokering a candidate.…
An important study released today concludes that the presence of cattle in important sage grouse habitats increases the number of ravens that prey on sage grouse and their nests by 45.8% in the Curlew Valley of southeast Idaho. The study found that anthropogenic subsidies were increased in areas where livestock grazing occurred and raven populations increased…
Appeals Court Affirms Forest Service Closures that Protect Bighorn from Domestic Livestock Boise, IDAHO – The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today affirmed the Payette National Forest’s decision to close 70 percent of the domestic sheep grazing allotments on the Idaho forest, despite the self-serving protests of the sheep industry. Conservation groups intervened in the proceedings in support of…