October 6, 2016
By Franz Camenzind Originally published in the bullseye https://thebullseye.media/how-why-greater-yellowstone-matters/ 12 minutes (3070 words) It Takes More Than A Park, Even The Mother Of All Parks, To Protect The Grizzly Bear And Other Animals. It Takes AnEcosystem SOME PEOPLE MAY BELIEVE OTHERWISE OR WALLOW in the nonsense that ignorance is bliss, but history matters. Today, we dwell near ground zero for…
A recent article about the low flow on the Yellowstone River (Oct.6h) missed an opportunity to inform Montana citizens about water in Montana. http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/news/low-flows-high-temps-the-new-normal-on-yellowstone/article_85a816c3-3b81-50e1-9734-d9e733662f80.html#utm_source=bozemandailychronicle.com&utm_campaign=morning-headlines&utm_medium=email&utm_content=headline What is not well-known is that water in Montana (as in the rest the West) is public property owned by the state’s citizens. Like the air, water is considered a…