The American Experiment had a pretty good run of two and a half centuries. It was far from perfect but despite its flaws it was a model here and around the world.
Obama said something about 20 years ago that we are not red states or blue states, but as time would tell his rhetorical flourish was a nice and inspiring thought but is clearly no longer true, if it ever was.
What has been proven today is that half the country lives in a different world, has alternative ‘facts’ and has has a world view completely different than the other half.
It was inconceivable the first time but it could be put down to ignorance, but not so for the second time. Everyone knew exactly what they were getting.
The first time, it was more of a joke with little expectation of actually winning and so they were unprepared, incompetent and bumbling. And while a huge amount of damage was wrought, at least some of the foundational guardrails of our democracy held up.
No t this time around. They have been planning and working hard for the last 6 years so as to avoid the previous mistakes and weaknesses.
There is certainly no constraints from the judicial branch. The supreme court has shown its delight in manufacturing whatever rational it wants to support its agenda.
Civil servants who uphold their duty to the constitution will be replaced by cultists.
Project 2025 and the rest of agenda to be implemented will be devastating not only for our public lands and wildlife but for our democracy.
I weep for my beloved!
Greedy (megalo-billionaires), stupid (uneducated and general public) and venal people won the Whitehouse, Senate, and House.
A convicted felon with 4 felony indictments and a religious extremist will be president and vice president.
It’s possible there will never be a vote again.
More than half the country voted for wildlife abuse, women abuse, immigrant abuse, democracy abuse and planet abuse. We are a sick nation.
But I won’t sink into despair. I’ll continue pouring my heart and soul into wildlife conservation efforts. I’ll hike in the landscapes that mountain lions call home to activate that strand of my DNA that simply can’t be activated any other way. And I’ll invite more people to hike with me and roll up their sleeves to make a difference for wildlife.
I am so sick and devastated by this outcome. I fear most for the animals and the trees that will be detrimentally affected by the cruelty and thoughtlessness of those who will now be in charge. Losing my faith in a significant percentage of the country is only scratching the surface. The nightmare before us will reveal itself in daily measures of shock and eventually people will realize they only have themselves to blame for the devastation we have chosen to be our inevitable future. And a dark one it is at that.
So much for the Enlightenment. Most likely we have just witnessed the self-destruction of American democracy and will now watch it play out in the coming months and years. The Trumpites will do everything they can to ensure that their values continue to prevail – Project 2025 anyone? – and it’s hard to see how we can effectively combat it, especially if the Rs take both houses. Nonetheless, there is always a chance that the Trump regime will self-destruct in turn, especially if we work like never before to fight for what is right. Time to reconnoiter.
Conservation is as conservation does when there is no preservation sidebar.
Thank you neoliberals of all ilk.
Come on Jonathan! Invading land, murdering the Natives, stealing their land, destroying it and the wildlife there, and importing slaves to work it was a good thing? You’ve got to be kidding, and I know you know better. The U.S. was always evil from Day 1.
As to the election, you’re badly deluded if you don’t realize how bad Democrats also are for the natural environment. Both factions of the Uniparty cause great harm & destruction to the natural world, just some of the details and destructive projects are different. You write as if everything was fine before this election, totally ignoring much if not all of what you have previously written. Work on your TDS and see reality: Trump is no worse overall than Harris or Biden, and might be better on some issues like war and international trade. But they’re all disgusting pigs, and none should be supported or voted for. Your TDS clearly prevents you from seeing just how bad Democrats are, and is causing you extreme cognitive dissonance.
Both parties unfortunately seem to have self-righteousness in common, if expressed in different ways, like two dogs augering over a rabbit. My granddad called them rabbit-twisters, the old guys who spent Saturday’s at the barber shop, the feed store, the bank where there were some concrete steps to sit on and a power pole for whittlin’ wood (when the Power Company replaced the pole, the put sheet metal straps to keep ’em for cutting the new pole down too.
As disappointed as I was I didn’t become nauseous until someone reminded me Trump will pardon all the Jan 6 rioters. Merrick Garland played let’s all get along for two years before he made a move to prosecute Trump. Will Dems ever learn?