Longtime habitat management techniques don’t stimulate vegetation growth in one sagebrush subspecies and may have detrimental effects on sage grouse and sagebrush-reliant songbirds, several studies show.
The subtitle could be “No Sh#t Sherlock”.
ts always nice when science is heard. For decades virtually all sage grouse experts were against killing sagebrush for sage grouse. The main pushers of killing sagebrush were the typical suspects, the BLM, the Forest Service and state agencies. Similar to logging being sold as ‘forest health’, the killing of sage brush which started in earnest right after WW II was and is all about more grass for ranchers, but they could slap a new label on it and pretend destroying sage brush habitat was good for sage brush habitat.
You can read the full article at WyoFile.
How did sage grouse get along so well for thousands of years without human “habitat management” ?