Last week I published an article about Sage Steppe Wild winning a stay against the Nature Conservancy’s authorization to bulldoze 13 new reservoirs to water the TNC’s cattle in the Indian Creek area of the Bear’s Ears National Monument.
A lot of readers were pretty disgusted with the TNC.
Well, I thought if you fall into that category, tell the TNC directly.
The TNC has a complaint form where you can send them your feedback.
The TNC’s Utah page also lists the main staff for their Utah office.
State Director
Elizabeth Kitchens
Phone: 801-531-0999 Email: ekitchens@tnc.org
Director of Conservation
Kelley Hart
Phone: 801-531-0999 Email: kelley.hart@tnc.org
Kara Butterfield
Phone: 801-531-0999 Email: kbutterfield@tnc.org
Director of Marketing & Communications
Jim Breitinger
Phone: 801-531-0999 Email: jim.breitinger@tnc.org
You can find the background and details of the claims in the case here.
For our response to the BLM’s opposition to a stay, you can get it here.
For the court’s order, read it here.
I would send what you put in the complaint form to all the TNC’s staff via email.
And CC the key BLM decision makers:
Jake Palma – Monticello Field Office Manager jepalma@blm.gov
Nicollee Gaddis-Wyatt – Canyon Country District Manager ngaddiswyatt@blm.gov
Matthew A Preston – Acting Utah State Director mpreston@blm.gov
And if you have the stomach for reading agency bullshit, you can read the BLM’s fictional Environmental Assessment here.
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