Join the Healthy Public Lands Conference: May 28-30th

Public lands belong to all of us, and protecting them requires collaboration, strategy, and action. That’s why we want to share an important event happening May 28-30, 2025

The Healthy Public Lands Conference is a gathering of advocates, experts, and community members working to address the challenges facing our public lands. From overgrazing and habitat destruction to water scarcity and policy reform, this event brings people together to find solutions.

Sponsors of HPLC include WildEarth Guardians, Wilderness Watch, Western Wildlife Conservancy, Great Old Broads for Wilderness, Western Watersheds Project, and Project Coyote.

  • When: May 28-30, 2025
  • Where: Salt Lake City, UT (S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah)
  • Virtual Option: Yes! Join from anywhere.
  • Register Here:

This year’s theme—”Together for Tomorrow: Resisting Exploitation, Restoring the Landscape”—focuses on critical issues like public lands grazing reform and its role in ecosystem health, native land claims and Indigenous-led conservation efforts, watershed and habitat restoration strategies and debunking range management myths that impact policy decisions.

The conference will feature:

  • A keynote address from John Leshy, public lands expert and former Interior Department Solicitor
  • Panel discussions with scientists, advocates, and policymakers
  • Christopher Lant from the University of Utah will discuss his research on Reducing irrigation of livestock feed is essential to saving Great Salt Lake
  • A field tour to a public lands grazing allotment to assess land health
  • Lunch is provided on Wednesday and Thursday, with coffee and tea throughout

Early Bird registration is now open! Secure your spot at a discounted rate. Multiple ticket tiers are available to keep the event accessible.

This is an important opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and actions to protect our public lands. We hope to see you there!





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Jonathan Ratner

Jonathan Ratner has been in the trenches of public lands conservation for nearly 25 years. He started out doing forest carnivore work for the Forest Service, BLM, and the Inter-agency Grizzly Bear Study Team, with some Wilderness Rangering on the Pinedale Ranger District. That work lead him directly to deal with the gross corruption within the federal agencies' range program.

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