The Green Roots Podcast: Is The Nature Conservancy an Environmental Group?

An Interview with Jonathan Ratner, Director of Sage Steppe Wild

On episode 76 of the Green Root Podcast—the official podcast of Eco-Integrity Alliance—host Josh Schlossberg gets litigious with Jonathan Ratner, Director of Sage Steppe Wild, as they challenge The Nature Conservancy’s schemes to log and graze public lands and whether the billion-dollar entity should still be considered an environmental group.

Josh and Jonathan also discuss:

  • The nearly universal and permanent degradation caused by public lands livestock grazing
  • The myth of National Monuments
  • The history of the Nature Conservancy’s scandals and suppression of science
  • Who does the real work of conservation?
  • The shift to anthropocentric conservation
  • The Nature Conservancy expose on their efforts to promote logging

Watch the podcast here.





  1. Jim Wiegand Avatar
    Jim Wiegand

    Editor, this disgusting political group sold out decades ago. I went up against these crooked bastards in the early 1990’s with the Northeastern CA deer herds, then again with the invasion of wind turbines in California Condor habitat. Science means nothing. Fraudulent research, fraudulent opinions and money rule.

    In the 1990’s I also discovered a lot of their land holdings were private hunting clubs for the wealthy.

    Jim Wiegand

    1. Jeff Hoffman Avatar
      Jeff Hoffman

      Money corrupts EVERYTHING, and TNC is obviously no exception. I’ve been aware of their corruption for decades also. Even Sierra Club is corrupted by big money, and they won’t take on issues or take positions that may offend their large donors.

      1. Jim Wiegand Avatar
        Jim Wiegand

        Yes the Sierra Club, Audubon, Greenpeace, ABC Birds, and many others sold out long ago. The number one red flag that exposes them, is their silence about the horrific impacts from so called green energy. It’ the most destructive energy source and nothing comes close. Net Wind grid energy could be and probably is, over 10,000 times more deadly per MW, than any coal, natural gas or nuclear plant.

        Massive fraud hides these facts.

        Here’s another astounding fact…since 1976, I have only come across two scientifically credible wind turbine mortality studies. One here in the US from 1985 and the other from Europe in 1992. Even NASA and the Dept of Energy rigged their initial studies to hide horrific impacts back in 1976.

  2. Ida Lupine Avatar
    Ida Lupine

    It really is a shock, to read this about TNC. I’m glad the green wind energy fraud is exposed too. Maybe it is the way we can’t seem to approach any method without profits first.

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Jonathan Ratner

Jonathan Ratner has been in the trenches of public lands conservation for nearly 25 years. He started out doing forest carnivore work for the Forest Service, BLM, and the Inter-agency Grizzly Bear Study Team, with some Wilderness Rangering on the Pinedale Ranger District. That work lead him directly to deal with the gross corruption within the federal agencies' range program.

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