Cash Cows – Now Available Again

Thanks to the work of Karen Klitz, we have been able to obtain a reprint of Cash Cows – Taxes Support a Wild West holdover that enriches ranchers and degrades the land.

This expose was one of the only deep dives into the corruption surrounding public lands livestock grazing and the degradation it creates, and unfortunately, is as relevant today as it was when it was published more than a quarter of a century ago.

There has not been such an in-depth exploration of the public lands livestock grazing program in the press since. But stay tuned, we are expecting out in the next few months, a new deep dive into the corruption and mismanagement surrounding public lands livestock grazing.






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Jonathan Ratner

Jonathan Ratner has been in the trenches of public lands conservation for nearly 25 years. He started out doing forest carnivore work for the Forest Service, BLM, and the Inter-agency Grizzly Bear Study Team, with some Wilderness Rangering on the Pinedale Ranger District. That work lead him directly to deal with the gross corruption within the federal agencies' range program.

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