Brian Ertz

  • A spot on Editorial from the LA Times: In the 2012 campaign, environmentalists don’t matter – LA Times Editorial Shortly after his party’s “shellacking” in the midterm election, President Obama ordered government agencies to ensure that new regulations took economic growth into consideration and that old ones be revoked if they “stifle job creation or make our economy…

  • Blaine County prosecutors agree to dismiss a felony charge in the elk poaching case against anti-wolf activist Tony Mayer. Felony dismissed in poaching case – Idaho Mountain Express Nonetheless, 59-year-old Tony Mayer, a resident of Twin Falls and the founder of the anti-wolf website, still faces three misdemeanor game charges related to the case.…

  • The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has delegated authority to kill wolves to county sheriff deputies in Idaho County.  It is unclear what training or methods deputies will have at their disposal when killing wolves. Fish and Game authorizes deputies to kill wolves – AP Cadwallader believes this is the first time his agency has…

  • Turf War or Legitimate Concern ? Earlier, we took a look at a recent settlement struck between the Interior Department and WildEarth Guardians that seeks to clear the logjam with species listings under the Endangered Species Act. The settlement would ask the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to make up or down determinations on a…

  • Previous efforts to recovery pygmy rabbits to habitat in central Washington state have been conducted without success.  Now, biologists hope that releasing more captive rabbits into the wild will mean greater success: Pygmy Rabbits Face Possible Last Stand In Washington  – OPB News In north central Washington, scientists are trying once again to reintroduce a…

  • Salazar announces wolves delisted in Rockies and hunting can begin – Idaho Statesman Wolves will be delisted in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming on Thursday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said. The rule would reinstate the 2009 decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the gray wolf in Idaho and Montana, eastern Washington, eastern…

  • George Wuerthner critiques the assumption that cougar hunting will decrease conflict with humans. Oregon’s assumptions on cougar hunting misplaced – George Wuerthner, Oregon, like many western states, allows cougar hunting. Part of the justification for hunting is the assumption that killing cougars will reduce livestock losses and increase public safety.  There is, however, growing…

  • Study: There exists enough already-disturbed land in the U.S. suitable for wind to produce 3,500 gigawatts of power – more power than is consumed by the entire U.S. A new study is confirming what many have been suggesting all along; We don’t need to sacrifice wild-lands and pristine wildlife habitat to facilitate renewable energy, it’s…

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