Brian Ertz

  • The Ivanpah solar thermal project consists of 5.4 square miles of high quality habitat for the Endangered Species Act protected desert tortoise, a fact that developers (and some investors) underestimated resulting in the temporary suspension of activities on phases 2 and 3 of the project site due to construction activities exceeding the incidental take limit…

  • Derrick Jensen, a controversial environmental activist most known for advocating the end of civilization, tells the story of the original Star Wars, as made by environmentalists:

  • Escalation of Western Water Wars Loom The finite availability of western water is part of the reason Ralph Maughan previously posed the question : Will the resource sucking “sin city” be reclaimed by the desert ?  Perhaps eventually, but in the meantime – despite setbacks, the Southern Nevada Water Authority keeps stretching its tentacles in…

  • Threshold Number of ESA Protected Desert Tortoise Killed In Construction of Solar Thermal Plant We just received notice that the BLM has suspended construction of some of the the Ivanpah Solar Thermal Power Plant due to the project reaching its upper limit number of tortoise killed for the Biological Opinion and incidental take limits established…

  • Anti-Wolfer’s Success In An End-Run Delisting of Wolves MUST Ultimately Backfire George Wuerthner wrote this now apt essay over a year ago, published in New West last September, suggesting that should anti-wolf interests succeed in delisting wolves and fail to exercise restraint in killing wolves that it would ultimately backfire. Wolf Restoration is a Challenge…

  • Project already blading Mojave desert habitat Google announces its private investment in Brightsource Energy, the proponent of the controversial Ivanpah Solar Thermal Project: Google Solar Project: Google Invests $168 Million In Mojave Power Plant – Huffington Post The commitment announced Monday is part of the financing that BrightSource Energy needs to build a solar power…

  • So much for Harry Reid’s promise that the budget bill wouldn’t be used to carry anti-environment riders Around Christmas, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the administration would be pursuing a BLM Wild Lands initiative, vague direction to BLM to inventory lands which exhibit wilderness characteristics for future Congressional Wilderness designation consideration. It was a…

  • The Idaho Statesman has published an editorial about the recent “Wolf Disaster Declaration” recently passed by the Idaho House and sent to the floor for a vote in the state Senate: Our View: Beware: Legislative ‘scientists’ at work – Idaho Stateman Editorial Board Boyle says Idahoans feel physically and psychologically threatened by the wolves —…

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