Brian Ertz

  • Meltwater Stonefly (Lednia tumana) The Meltwater Stonefly, an aquatic insect scientists consider can be “ideal early warning indicators of climate warming in mountain ecosystems” is the latest in the long list of species abandoned by the Obama Administration using the “Warranted But Precluded” determination to deny meaningful protections under the Endangered Species Act. Rare fly won’t…

  • Outrageous Reactionary Politics – Lies – Need To Be Confronted Head-On The outright absurdity of the extreme reactionism that continues to threaten wolves can often seem too outrageous to be real.  We hope that it’s just some marginal voice and that maybe by ignoring it, it will go away. Wolf management in the Rockies is…

  • Predators help disperse salmon, nutrient on streambanks This article describes the results of a study suggesting another “trophic cascade” mechanism by which predators and salmon interact, enriching the diversity of plant-life in the world’s largest old-growth temperate rainforest: Pacific salmon run helps shape Canada’s ecosystems – BBC News The annual migration sees salmon return to western Canada…

  • Earlier we learned why Western Watersheds Project stands firm. Does not join wolf settlement. Now initial briefs have been filed before the Court, with the Settling Parties filing a motion for an indicative ruling, essentially asking the judge whether he would partially stay the August 2010 order vacating and setting aside the U.S. Fish and…

  • We Won ! … Let’s Settle ?!? “Among politicians and businessmen, *Pragmatism* is the current term for “To hell with our children.”” ~ Edward Abbey You win some, you lose some … but when a coalition of wolf advocates were successful in demonstrating that federal efforts to delist wolves were not based on science, i.e.…

  • Friends, The Wildlife News is undergoing some changes.  We’ve been migrating the site over to a ‘self-hosted’ webpage which we hope will better accommodate the rich conversation/debate about western public land and wildlife issues you’ve grown to expect over on our corner of the inter-tubes. By migrating the site from over to our own server…

  • On February 28, 2011 Chief Judge B. Lynn Winmill of the United States District Court for Idaho agreed with Western Watersheds Project and reimposed an injunction stopping livestock grazing on 17 grazing allotments covering over 450,000 acres of public land in the Jarbidge Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management in southern Idaho. The…

  • Idaho lawmakers hope to dissuade public access to judicial review of state megaload approvals by forcing them to post huge sums of money before access to court is granted. Idaho bill targets anti-megaload lawsuits – Spokesman Review BOISE – Rep. Dick Harwood, R-St. Maries, has introduced legislation requiring anyone who files a lawsuit against a transportation…

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