Brian Ertz

  • Save Elk, Prosecute Anti-wolf Activists You may recall that Blaine County Judge Ted Israel recently dismissed a felony elk poaching charge against anti-wolf activist Tony Mayer, the founder of At that time, the court held that there was probable cause to pursue misdemeanor charges for the offense.  However, Mr. Mayer’s felony charge was dismissed without…

  • Where NOT to hastily site an Industrial-scale Wind Energy Project Just north of Great Basin National Park, east of Ely in Eastern Nevada, lies a public landscape called Spring Valley. Spring Valley is a miraculous place, renowned for its magnificent skies and as critical habitat for sagebrush obligate species such as sage grouse and pygmy…

  • George Wuerthner nails it again, questioning the chief assumption that informs livestock-wolf conflict management. Do ranchers have a right to predator free landscape? – George Wuethner, NewWest One of the unquestioned and unspoken assumptions heard across the West is that ranchers have a right to a predator free environment. Even environmental groups like Defenders of…

  • WTF? It’s just a sick game to some people : Anonymous Poacher Taunts Idaho Wildlife Agents From Everett – KOMO News via KXLY The letter reads in part: “Here is a picture of the nice buck I poached up in northern Idaho this year. & I plan to do all my Idaho hunting like this…

  • “Barotrauma” University of Calgary researchers provide answers to the mysterious deaths of bats and wind turbine facilities in southern Alberta, Canada. [vodpod id=Video.2305131&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26] Barotrauma- Bat deaths from Wind Turbines Barotrauma – Barotrauma is physical damage to body tissues caused by a difference in pressure between an air space inside or beside the body and…

  • The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are losing sage grouse fast.  So fast, that the birds may disappear entirely from the Canadian landscape. Industry blamed for bird’s demise – Sage grouse on path to extinction – Edmonton Journal Unrestrained gas development in southern Alberta could drive the sage grouse to extinction in this province…

  • Public land ranchers concerned about candidate’s position that public lands ought be managed to preserve Idaho’s wildlife heritage Idaho’s Gubernatorial candidate Keith Allred, challenger to “Butch” Otter, recently drew a distinction between wildlife management on public versus private land, standing behind Idaho sportsmen on the bighorn sheep issue : Candidate’s Comments Cause for Concern –…

  • Advocates for the West‘s Laurie Rule (best known for her esteemed success in the Payette National Forest on behalf of bighorn sheep) has filed another brief on behalf of Western Watersheds Project & The Wolf Recovery Foundation’s lawsuit against Wildlife Services’ wolf control activities in Idaho (complaint & associated filings). This lawsuit asks the court to stop Wildlife…

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