Brian Ertz

  • Solar Gold: Mojave Desert Facing Ecosystem Collapse Robert Lundahl films the voices of the Mojave who are being steam-rolled by Energy development on your public lands : [vodpod id=Video.4770655&w=425&h=350&fv=] Solar Gold documents the impacts of Large Solar development on the Mojave Desert ecosystems and cultural resources.

  • Mitigating the “Moral Hazard” of Government Intervention via Wolf/Livestock “Control” & Compensation Programs Earlier, I wrote about the special treatment ranchers get via private and public compensation programs, and how these government interventions into private property management issues creates what economists call a “moral hazard”, obscuring free-market incentives that would otherwise encourage behaviors that prevent…

  • Representative Raúl M. Grijalva ‘gets it’ before it needs gettin’.  Salazar is an industry apologist Representative Raúl M. Grijalva issued a press release highlighting a recent Washington Post article describing how his foresight on offshore drilling, a foresight directly pertinent to any hope at having spared the world the worst environmental disaster in history, is…

  • Jon Marvel sees two ways to get cows and sheep to stop grazing on public lands: Politics and litigation. He chooses the latter. Dennis Higman does a profile on Jon for NewWest. Fortunate for all of us who care about western public lands and wildlife, the degree to which ranchers and their politician lap-dogs whine…

  • Saving America’s Mustangs: A Prospectus Recently, Madeleine Pickens purchased the 14,000 acre Spruce Ranch and gained control of adjacent BLM livestock grazing allotments amounting to 500,000 acres between Wells and Ely, Nevada. This private land acquisition and control of the associated public lands sets the stage for Pickens’ intent to create a wild horse sanctuary…

  • Agency’s Budget Shrouded from Public     WildEarth Guardians has assembled and is making public statistics regarding “Wildlife Service’s” wildlife slaughter last year. WildEarth Guardians Press Release 10/7/10 WASHINGTON, DC – According to records released today by WildEarth Guardians, “Wildlife Services,” the ironically-named branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, killed more than four million…

  • Salazar Strikes Again, Denying Meaningful Protection for Imperiled Tiny Bunny of the Sagebrush Sea The declining condition of the Sagebrush Sea has been highlighted on a couple of occasions over the past couple of weeks.  In recent Washington state news we learned that jackrabbits in sagebrush habitats are diminishing.  Pygmy rabbits were rejected ESA protections…

  • founder charged with felony in killing of trophy elk Oh yes, you can’t make this stuff up: Anti-wolf activist accused of poaching – Idaho Mountain Express The founder of a Twin Falls-based, anti-wolf Internet site has been charged with a felony for allegedly killing a trophy bull elk out of season last year in…

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