Brian Ertz

  • “The solution to stop the livestock killings by wolves is simple: A $50,000 fine given to each livestock owner who allows wolves to kill their livestock.” Every once in awhile you come across a Letter to the Editor that just really hits it out of the park: Wolves: Only lazy ranchers blame predator – Missoulian…

  • The ongoing assault on the Sagebrush Sea claims another victim:  Jackrabbits Another animal most commonly considered a pest and valued by the western Cowboy “Custom & Culture” for little more than target-practice, jackrabbits, are disappearing from the landscape: Jack Rabbit Populations Are Under Study In Washington State – OPB News Larson says both black-tail and white-tail jack…

  • Off With His Hat Finally some sanity ~ it’ll be interesting to see whether Obama has the integrity to follow through (not holding my breath): Obama: Interior reforms too slow ~ By Dan Berman, Politico White House insiders say Salazar has fallen out of favor and speculate that he will be gone after November’s midterms. Obama didn’t…

  • The Yellowstone Success Story and Those Who Want to Kill It Chip Ward publishes an exceptional piece on the wolf controversy, bringing a compelling focus back to the real issues ~ and values ~ wolf advocates are fighting for : The Big Bad Wolf Makes Good – Published on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 by Sadly,…

  • Good News ! : Supposedly extinct red fox discovered near Yosemite National Park – LA Times

  • Obama’s Abandonment of the West Doug Peacock continues to enrich the debate over grizzlies in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem : Global Warming, Killer Bears? Doug Peacock, Counterpunch Biologists sometimes like to quibble that losing the grizzly because of the collapse of whitebark pine forests may be the least of our ecological worries. Ecosystems are, of…

  • President Obama’s Deficit Commission is co-chaired by Alan Simpson, a Wyoming rancher, who has used some pretty strong language critical of social programs’ cost to tax-payers. Bill Willers points out how Simpson’s own favored past-time enjoys the massive cash infusion of a significant wasteful government program that produces little to no public value at the…

  • It’s been a bad year for bighorn sheep in Montana. Spread of Bighorn Sheep Pneumonia Continues – New West While we see an increasing amount of media attention that bighorns are dying of disease, unfortunately, with this article, there is a familiar omission of context regarding a likely source of disease for bighorns in general;…

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