Brian Ertz

  • Species are vanishing quicker than at any point in the last 65 million years We often speak of endangered/imperiled species in a relatively local context, in terms of wildlife that we might take for granted or might find nearby,  here that often means the western U.S. of A.  But every once in awhile it helps…

  • The privatization of public bison has spurred quite the controversy in Montana The insanity of bison mis-management in and around Yellowstone National Park has prompted the privatization of this iconic wildlife species. Buffalo Roam Into Controversy ~ (Audio) ~ NPR – On Point Bison from the park have been hazed and quarantined for ‘study’ under the…

  • George Wuerthner responds to recent hyperbole from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation concerning wolves ~ We need wolves to be wolves ~ George Wuerthner, If the restoration of wolves to the Rockies is really “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century” as David Allen…

  • Privatization of Public Bison On 2/2/10 Montana’s wildlife agency, Fish, Wildlife & Parks (MFWP) announced their decision to send all 88 quarantined Yellowstone bison to the private lands of billionaire Ted Turner. The Yellowstone bison were part of a state-federal Quarantine Feasibility Study, which had the stated goal of placing brucellosis-free bison on public or…

  • “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Coalition seeks an Injunction/Temporary Restraining Order preventing the landing of helicopters Chief District Judge B. Lynn Winmill is set to hear oral arguments on the Frank Church Wilderness/Helicopter Landing litigation this afternoon.  The “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Coalition seeks an Injunction/Temporary Restraining Order preventing the landing of helicopters in the Frank Church Wilderness…

  • “Wilderness Wolf Watchers” Act to Protect Wolves & Wilderness The Wolf Recovery Foundation and Western Watersheds Project recently filed suit to end the Idaho Department of Fish & Game’s (IDF&G) attempt to use helicopters to chase, capture, and collar wolves in the Frank Church-River-Of-No-Return Wilderness.  The suit also seeks to shut down Wildlife Service’s wolf…

  • University of Idaho attempts to save face – instead, loses it further UI professor cleared of “scientific misconduct” – Idaho Statesman Update 1-9-2010. U of I ruling on sheep researcher’s ethics isn’t credible. Opinion of the Magic Valley Times News. It’s probably safe to say Marie Bulgin didn’t kill Kennedy either … but that’s it…

  • ~ by Jon Marvel Friends, On December 31, 2009 Western Watersheds Project and the Wolf Recovery Foundation welcomed the New Year by filing litigation in federal court challenging the federal government’s mismanagement of public lands and wolves in Central Idaho. Read the Associated Press article : Groups Sue to End Idaho wilderness copter landings –…

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