Brian Ertz

  • The impact to sage grouse numbers appears to be very large The thousands and thousands of miles of barbed wire fence chopping up lands throughout the west is bad for wildlife for many reasons. Now, the impact that this installation for livestock production on public lands has to sage grouse is demonstrated in a study…

  • We’ve talked about how despite Hamburgers being the ‘Hummers’ of Food in Global Warming, and How Meat, Especially Beef Contributes to Global Warming, big agribusiness and the livestock industry flex their political muscle and are exempted from Meating the Truth every time (like on the Climate Bill). Now, a bill has just passed the U.S.…

  • Is this a move away from Obama’s previous commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule ? In May, the Obama administration announced its intention to give Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack top level oversight over incursions into roadless areas.  The move was said to be Obama’s re-commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule. Obama administration inches away…

  • Plaintiffs (wolf advocates) file Memorandum in Support of Summary Judgment to overturn the Federal Government’s Delisting of Northern Rocky Mountain Wolves For those interested in reading the legal filing submitted yesterday (10/26/09) : Plaintiff’s Memorandum In Support of Motion For Summary Judgment

  • When the last known jaguar to consistently roam in the U.S. died of kidney failure after being captured and collared,  many questions about the legality of the permit to collar Macho B were asked, including a call for a federal investigation. Now, the Center for Biological Diversity is doing something about it, suing the Arizona…

  • GYE grizzly bears go back on the threatened species list- Molloy: Feds must restore protection for grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park – By Matthew Brown. Associated Press. The successful plaintiff was the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. There is a second lawsuit filed in Idaho by a number of other conservation groups. It was assigned to…

  • Decline in salmon stocks is blamed for bears starving to death The unsure fate of Grizzly bear populations might not be a concern that is limited to the lower 48 states. Grizzly bear decline alarms conservationists in Canada – The Guardian A furious row has erupted in Canada with conservationists desperately lobbying the government to suspend…

  • Idaho Department of Fish & Game Moves to Collar Wolves in the Frank-Church Wilderness A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does…

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