Brian Ertz

  • Rex Rammell jokes he’d buy an “Obama Tag” Wolves in the state have become an avatar, a pariah.  It often seems that the hatred has little to do with facts, science, or the wolves themselves and more to do with a deep-seated hatred for the federal government that will take any opportunity to emerge.  Rammell’s canned-elk,…

  • Groups Applaud Finding for Rapidly Declining Desert Icon Desert tortoise advocates have been waiting for this good news for a very long time.  Should a listing take place, many human intrusions into the desert tortoise’s southwest desert habitat, including livestock grazing and excessive development, will be largely halted.  The benefit of such will be enjoyed…

  • After the Marie Bulgin scandal rocked the Bighorn world many of us had hoped that the issue of disease transmission from domestic sheep to bighorn sheep might be largely resolved in the public debate.  Recent news stories suggest otherwise. Likewise, there continues to be a lot of political posturing and spinning going on. Below are…

  • Masterswarm We’ve used the examples of how heat and cold can take more livestock in a few days than wolves do in a year. In following up on our continuing efforts to highlight the absurdly disproportionate media coverage that flares up whenever news of a predator taking a few livestock happens,  I thought I’d post…

  • A coalition of 13 wolf advocate groups have submitted a motion to Judge Molloy’s court asking for a preliminary injunction to stop the Idaho and Montana wolf hunts. Memorandum in Support of Motion For Preliminary Injunction (41 pages) The above memorandum in support of the Preliminary Injunction request is a phenomanal effort – those interested…

  • Natural gas production is ugly for birds Exxon-Mobil pleads guilty in bird case – Casper Star-Tribune Exxon-Mobil Corp. has pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in Denver to violating the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act in five states including Wyoming during the past five years, the Justice Department said Thursday.

  • Made by Man (Active Restoration) Dan McCormick combines art, ecology, and engineering to build sculptures that simulate a natural process/feature (ex: beaver dam) of a typical watershed that filters sediment, recharges a floodplain, establishes riparian vegetation/wildlife habitat and promotes general watershed health. When people actively work ~ say, planting willows or spreading seed ~ to…

  • We’ve frequently discussed the environmental costs of new power generation, including wind and solar on public lands and centralized versus distributed generation.  All energy production has environmental consequences. But while everyone’s talking about the pros and cons of the next generation technology, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council has found that although it may not…

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