Brian Ertz

  • More fallout on the costs to conservation Montana Senator Jon Tester’s new Logging Bill (couched in “W”ilderness designation) may have to Montana’s wildlife. Collateral damage: Experts wonder what Tester’s bill may kill Missoula Independent While much of the critique coming from conservationists focuses on the negative impact of the logging on other-than-wilderness public lands of…

  • Ralph previously noted how the Western Lands Project monitors public land privatization, which let people know about a great book, Carving Up the Commons (pdf), freely available for download.  The book gives great history and analysis of.  Here’s a recent book review : Required reading: How Congress crafts public land bills – Missoula Independent Perhaps the most…

  • In much of the West, pumping water to keep alfalfa growing in the desert through the hot season is an extremely wasteful endeavor.  Kate Galbraith writes about an energy conservation initiative in Idaho that pays irrigators to turn off the pumps during peak demand. Saving Energy by Managing Irrigation New York Times blog Doing more…

  • Obama’s Interior is looking to cut by half the number of snowmachines in Yellowstone National Park : Interior proposes Yellowstone snowmobile cap – The Salt Lake Tribune (thanks for the heads up jdubya)

  • Energy development on public lands impact wildlife habitat.  Wind developers are finding that the potential ESA listing of sage grouse is likely to significantly impact attempts to develop wind farms on public lands, especially in Wyoming : Gov’s office disputes grouse impact – Casper Star-Tribune A decision to block wind energy development from key sage…

  • Obama’s Department of Agriculture has published a rule to extend more subsidies to public land ranchers. EQIP Extended to Public Lands – National Cattleman’s Beef Association On Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a final rule authorizing the use of Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) funds for conservation efforts on public lands. The National…

  • More controversy has been in the news concerning what has been framed the Beaverhead-Deerlodge “W“ilderness bill in Montana. Paul Richards has taken a candid approach to the spread of this nominal Wilderness in Montana – he’s calling it what it just as fairly might be called, a logging bill :  Why Does Jon Tester Want…

  • Bill Moyers considers whether Obama has sold out environmentalists. Obama and Environmentalists ~ Bill Moyers Journal – July 17, 2009 Bill Moyers’ blog goes on to ask : How Should America Respond to Global Warming?

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