Brian Ertz

  • The delisting of the Grizzly Bear is being challenged in two district courts.  Bear advocates point to the tenuous food supply given global warming and the high mortality rate of bears shot by hunters.  Settlement talks were pursued to see if the all the parties could work out the differences.  That didn’t happen so it’s…

  • Patrick Dorinson has taken aim at one group of rabble-rousers you may be familiar with : Range War In the West – But some environmentalist outlaws like the Western Watersheds Project had no interest in compromise and since have used and abused the legal system of this country to deny the ranchers their rights…

  • Rep. Nick Rahall, Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, has a soft spot for wild horses.  That’s good, it’s a national disgrace the way these animals are treated.  His bill just passed the house: Room to roam: House votes to rescue wild horses – AP WASHINGTON — Galloping to the aid of the nation’s…

  • Salazar cites failure to provide adequate Endangered Species Act consultations as on the forefront of his decision to scrap attempts to log BLM land in Oregon. Obama Admin Scraps Logging Plan in Ore. Carbon Sinks – New York Times The move scraps a Bush-era decision to rezone 2.6 million acres of Bureau of Land Management…

  • WWP expands action into Colorado Western Watersheds Project filed suit in Federal Court in Denver, Colorado to stop a 250,000 acre grazing project located on Colorado’s Pike-San Isabel National Forest. […]The grazing has been so severe that the Forest Service’s wildlife specialists stated that if it didn’t change, the Forest Service was risking a widespread…

  • 3 Mexican wolf pups were found dead after their den was abandoned.  Some speculate human activity around the den prompted the wolves to leave. Groups Seek Federal Probe of NM Wolf Pup Deaths – AP The agency said the mother left scratch marks from her efforts to get the pups out of a deep crevice…

  • The rain has brought a rich suite of greens to obscure western public landscapes.

  • Someone must have told Palin she’s a contender for a presidential run in 2012 ? Good luck with that ex-Governor Palin … If you think you can handle it, there’s the video of Sarah Palin’s resignation speech on the Huffington Post link : Sarah Palin Resigning as Alaska’s Governor – Huffington Post And a great…

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