Brian Ertz

  • No need for much Renewable Energy development on Our Public Lands In early April, we discussed planned massive solar development projects on public lands underway in Southern California with Basin & Range Watch‘s splendid native plant & wildflower photo essay Last Spring at Ivanpah.  The essay bloomed across environmental listserves everywhere and, combined with many…

  • ONDA, WWP & CBD halt cattle grazing The Oregon Natural Desert Association’s press release : PORTLAND, ORE. Jun 16, 2009 Fish advocates applauded a federal judge’s decision yesterday to protect native steelhead trout in the John Day River basin. The court order temporarily halts cattle grazing within important native trout streams in eastern Oregon’s Malheur National…

  • University of Idaho Statement: Update on Bighorn Sheep Research Investigation – UI Press Release June 17, 2009 “The University of Idaho continues its thorough investigation into the facts surrounding professor of veterinary medicine Marie Bulgin’s testimony before the Idaho legislature during the 2009 session, and her written statements in federal litigation, relating to transmission of…

  • Last Friday WWP won a reversal of a previous court decision that would have held that Presidents have the authority to designate – but not direct management of – national monuments. Preservation and the President: A Positive Development in the Sonoran Desert – Ti Hays, PreservationNation Last Friday, in a positive development, a federal district…

  • Why the National Fire Plan is a Trojan Horse for Logging Earlier Ralph noted a new study that suggests fire mitigation work in the US may be misplaced.  Along those same lines, George Wuerther shares an account of one experience he had digging deeper into the rationale & motive of some “fuels reduction” projects :…

  • What will this mean with 4 domestic sheep bands scheduled to turn out on top of the Phantom’s home range in the next week ? Idaho’s Phantom Hill Wolf Pack has lost its alpha male, B333. He was hit by a vehicle north of Ketchum over the weekend and was found dead by Ketchum resident…

  • I read this article a couple of weeks ago.  Someone had slipped it beneath the office door and upon returning from lunch, I sat down and took the time to read it. The World at Gunpoint – Derrick Jensen, Orion Magazine Finally we get to the point. Those who come after, who inherit whatever’s left…

  • Friends,  We did our best, but these Foresters in Washington state are well-schooled in The Way of the Bureaucrat.  Despite the sole known Washington wolf pack’s rendezvous site being at the best, most available water source for public land cattle on the unit, livestock described by Don Johnson as looking feeble and “like bait”, the Okanogan-Wenatchee National…

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