Brian Ertz

  • Incident spotlights security vulnerability of centralized energy production and distribution This country is amidst a fundamental cross-roads when it comes to energy development. Many, including those in Washington, are straddling a dirty green line, a compromise of wildlife habitat and public lands to facilitate Salazar’s ambitious “moon shot” – the expeditious development of centralized renewable energy…

  • Dan Brister of Buffalo Field Campaign was featured on Montana’s Public Radio March 27, 2009 with this audio essay

  • © Natalie Ertz 2009

  • Yesterday I posted a review (with a little help from the Idaho Attorney General’s Office) about Idaho Senate Bill 1124, an anti-wildlife bill sponsored by rancher Monty Pearce that seeks to punish bighorn-sheep conservation efforts. Today, the Idaho state Senate Resources & Environment Committee considered another anti-bighorn sheep attempt.  RS18882 was draft legislation, introduced to…

  • A Review of Idaho Senate Bill 1124 Earlier I wrote about a member of the Idaho legislator and livestock rancher, Monty Pearce, who has recently taken aim at bighorn sheep conservation and restoration efforts in response to a sheepman’s call for special treatment from the Idaho legislature.  This after the Payette National Forest’s proposal to drastically reduce his…

  • George Orwell is likely spinning in his grave when it comes to all the linguistic mischief that gets thrown around by politicians and land managers doing their best to cut down our forests, “manage”, “control”, and “harvest” the wild. Think “Healthy Forest” Initiative, removing that troublesome “fuel”, “wildlife friendly fences”, and “thinning and cleaning the…

  • Mimulus patulus Occurence & Habitat Springs and seeps are unique habitats that occur where subterranean water emerges from an aquifer. In the semi-arid and arid west, these unique sources of water are particularly important ‘oasis’ habitats for wildlife, especially during drought and heat.  Their relatively consistent temperatures and chemistry provides for  “hotspots” of biological diversity – many of the more fragile…

  • Dead trees are critical components of a healthy forest ecosystem George Wuerthner writes about the value of dead trees and how removing them can lead to impoverished forest ecosystems : Let us Praise—and Keep—the Dead – George Wuerthner, Forest Magazine

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