Brian Ertz

  • Too much fight ~ not enough industry.  Three cheers for Grijalva. Grijalva sizes up why he didn’t get Interior Congressman, still upbeat, says, ‘I have a good job’

  • Scurrying to make the deadline of the hasty second delisting of wolves,  Wyoming changes the window dressings on its state wolf management plan: Wyoming wrapping up work on new wolf plan – Billings Gazette Changes include shortening some reporting requirements for those who kill wolves and further defining “damage to private property” and “chronic wolf…

  • There’s less oil-shale in Utah than they thought – still a lot, but that doesn’t mean much, it’s not a viable energy option taking more energy to bring to market than it contributes to the market. Utah downgrades its oil-shale estimates – Salt Lake Tribute

  • It’s official – Grijalva has declined his appointment to the powerful Ways and Means Committee to keep his influential position advocating for public lands and wildlife.  Press Release 12/16: the need to continue my work on the Committee on Natural Resources and, more specifically, my Subcommittee Chairmanship is more important at this time. There are…

  • The recent rumors that rancher Ken Salazar is a shoe-in at Interior have flipped on its head many of Obama’s most fervent western supporters’ idea of what the President-elect’s campaign promise for big-‘C’ “Change” might mean.  That campaign slogan’s broad-sweeping allegation had many hopeful that a new outlook, an outlook responsive to Obama’s supporters on…

  • Grijalva steps up to the plate and goes to bat against another Bush Interior “midnight regulation” aimed at looting sacred water for the Peabody Western Coal Company while tribes perform spiritual ceremonies. Dang, if you listen close – that sounds like a John Prine endorsement to me !

  • Mark Rey recently issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) requiring the Forest Service to test bighorn sheep for disease before the federal government allows states to transplant wild sheep on Forest lands.  As one might guess, this move chafes at state wildlife managers’ long-held claim to exclusive management of wildlife. It’s angering bighorn advocates & environmentalists…

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