Brian Ertz

  • Update 12/12 : Another Endorsement for Grijalva – Rep. Grace Napolitano backs Grijalva Update 12/12 : Another strong Endorsement for Grijalva – Raul Grijalva Great Choice of Secretary of Interior – Howard Shanker – Huffington Post : Once the land is gone or ruined, it cannot be bailed out by throwing money at it. The Secretary…

  • End of year donations will keep Western Watersheds Project going strong ! WWP is funded by the financial contributions of our members, and without your help we could not carry out our critically important and successful work to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife. Nothing speaks more clearly than a good photograph about why…

  • 106 117 130 grassroots groups (and growing) from around the country signed a letter to President-elect Obama’s transition team officially endorsing Grijalva for Secretary of the Interior. Green Groups Galvanize Behind Grijalva For Interior Secretary Press Release – PEER Read the letter [pdf] As a decision approaches, the other name heavily floated as among those…

  • Papiroflexia (Spanish for “Origami”) is the animated tale of Fred, a skilful paper folder who could shape the world with his hands.

  • The BLM issued a rule-change today in an attempt to sidestep a rarely used provision Raul Grijalva employed to prevent uranium mining near the Grand Canyon. Bush rule limits Congress on drilling, mining – AP : “I will continue to fight this rule change and all midnight regulations to roll back protections for our environment…

  • Washington governor’s program to put cows on state wildlife areas results in a second serious injury- A second man has taken a fall while building fence for the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. Family asks for help after man is paralyzed in canyon fall – Susan Perez said she had been fearful for…

  • The Bush Administration keeps that steady rush of anti-environmental administrative action in its final days.  Here’s the latest  : In addition to adding the procedures to the CFR, DOI has made the following key changes to its NEPA regulations: […] Interior Revamps NEPA Procedures

  • Rocky Barker takes note : Two months before Obama’s inauguration, cattle ranchers declare a new ‘War on the West?’ This aggressive political posture in response to the prospect of change has been characteristic of livestock associations throughout the West since the beginning of their history.  The survival of their influence, relative to the public’s interest…

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