Brian Ertz

  • George Wuerthner asks:  Is Ranching Sustainable ?  (As featured on Red State Rebels) In case you didn’t guess; it’s a rhetorical question.  The article also appears in Western Watersheds Project’s Fall ’08 Watersheds Messenger be

  • That didn’t take long – and it comes on the hip of troubling news about population numbers in general in the Northern Rockies – and even the recent sobering news about Yellowstone’s wolves.  I guess they figure they better jam this thing into gear before the next administration –  I don’t remember seeing any news about Wyoming having…

  • U.S. Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva has issued a report chronicling a partial list of the Bush Administration’s assault on protections of your public lands: A Report on the Bush Administration Assaults on Our National Parks, Forests and Public Lands A couple examples of interest to Yellowstone : Greatest Slaughter of Bison in the United States…

  • The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has released a report detailing the economic value that wildlife watching contributes to the United States economy. FWS News Release – October 9, 2008 : In 2006, the direct expenditures of wildlife watchers generated $122.6 billion in total industrial output.  This resulted in 1,063,482 jobs, a federal tax revenue…

  • Good news for wolves keeps rolling out. The Great Lakes wolves have won reprieve in federal court, preventing the Bush’s Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) attempt to delist: Court rules against U.S. in Great Lakes wolf case – AP

  • The MSM has now noticed this decision. There is a long AP article today (9-29) in the Idaho Statesman.  Civil rights case over Idaho grazing can advance. By John Miller – Associated Press Writer The 9th Circuit has affirmed an Idaho federal district judge’s decision that individuals of the 5 member Idaho Land Board, including…

  • Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin Wins Center for Biological Diversity’s 2008 Rubber Dodo Award “Governor Palin has waged a deceptive, dangerous, and costly battle against the polar bear,” said Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Her position on global warming is so extreme, she makes Dick Cheney look like an Al…

  • Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) looks to be working on new regulations to deal with brucellosis: Brucellosis plan suggests special Yellowstone area – AP The plan as now envisioned does not call for eradicating brucellosis in wildlife. McCluskey said that would have to be dealt with separately.

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