Brian Ertz

  • Roger Lang donated close to $4 million for conservation in the Madison Valley – hopes to eventually conserve one million acres Sun Ranch Owner Donates Millions Toward Madison Valley Conservation. By Lucia Stewart. New West. Note this is a new link above to replace the now dead one from the Bozeman Chronicle. RM

  • The back and forth over Clinton’s Roadless Rule continues. U.S. Judge in Wyoming Rules Against Ban on Forest Roads – NY Times

  • Elk feedlots spread disease – including chronic wasting disease.  The National Elk Refuge wouldn’t be such a tourist attraction with the lot suffering a widespread infection. Wildlife disease debate: To act or to react? – Jackson Hole News & Guide Wyoming only monitors spread of chronic wasting disease while some call for action.

  • Another huge attempt by Bush’s Interior to make an end-run around using the best science in its Endangered Species Act determinations – this time the move just cuts third party independent scientific review out of the ESA process !  The administration believes it can do so without congressional approval. Bush to relax protected species rules…

  • The Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) sent a 60-day Notice of Intent to sue the Department of Interior over its decision to list Polar Bears under the Endangered Species Act.  From PLF’s News Release: The PLF letter is filed on behalf of ranching and forestry interests that, along with employers nationwide and the economy in general,…

  • Bill Willers describes the looting of your public domain : Subsidies, Volunteerism and Outsourcing New Paths Toward the Loss of Our Public Lands – by William Willers counterpunch

  • A Wisconsin study demonstrates a model showing that wolves are least abundant where there are roads or agriculture.  Road density and ag land good predictor of wolf presence (or absence, as is the case). [Wisconsin] Wolves are lying low – JSOnline

  • Joan McCarter looks at some of Wyoming’s recent strategies to protect sage grouse, avoid ESA listing of Sage grouse to keep Oil & Gas happy. Grousing Around Is the sage grouse the 21st century’s spotted owl? – NewWest

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