Brian Ertz

  • Wildlife managers are excited by more evidence of a wolf pack in Washington on the west side of Highway 97 ~ still federally protected. Howls in Okanogan area signal of wolves’ return? Seattle Times

  • Ten environmentalist groups are stepping up to the plate and litigating BLM’s decision to allow drilling of one of so many of the West’s beautiful public lands recently put up to the chopping block : Enviros sue to block Roan drilling leases – Denver Business Journal

  • The Casper Star Tribune highlights an important threat to wildlife habitat – weeds: Waging war on weeds The article gives a pretty good indication of the extent to which different weeds threaten wildlife habitat and are an economic scourge – but I will take issue with one statement made in the article : Native plants…

  • Benjamin Tuggle, Southwest regional director of U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) has published an Op-Ed in the Arizona Republic: Wolf recovery can succeed The Op-Ed is released, likely to smooth things over, amidst recent controversy in response to inaction on the part of FWS including at least 2 lawsuits and a recent poll demonstrating…

  • For Immediate Release, July 3, 2008 Contact: Rob Edward, WildEarth Guardians, (303) 573-4898 ext. 762, Michael Robinson, Center for Biological Diversity, (575) 534-0360, Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project, (520) 623-1878 Daniel R. Patterson, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, (520) 906-2159 Federal Cash Brings Reward for Information on Illegal Wolf Killings to $50,000 SILVER…

  • Bush’s BLM had put a moratorium on solar energy lease applications for development on public lands wanting to wait for comprehensive environmental analysis before accepting new applications. The moratorium met an uproar of opposition. Now, the moratorium is dead. Solar application moratorium called off – AP

  • Resistance to the scientific consensus of the existence of climate change is waning ~ politicized prescriptions for inaction and for the relaxation of public environmental laws takes its place. Last week, federal and state wildlife and public land managers gathered to talk about global warming and the effects it will have on western land and…

  • Politicians puffed up today in Washington over gas prices, each side with their own canned hyperbole-laden talking points at the ready. My pick of the day is House chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Rep. David Obey’s statements : An Inexhaustible Energy Source: Heated Words. But Can It Be Tapped? NYTimes “This is a con job,”…

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