Brian Ertz

  • Closed Process Highlights Need For Meaningful State Environmental Review, Public Involvement With the recent discovery of natural gas in southwest Idaho many residents are concerned about their local watersheds.  They should be, fracking is an ugly business : Before 2005, regulation of fracking took place under the Safe Drinking Water Act. EPA was responsible for…

  • Moscow, ID – Today, Friends of the Clearwater and WildEarth Guardians call into question how two different federal agencies count livestock losses attributed to wolves in the States of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.  The livestock death losses figures are reported by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) show a remarkable magnitude of disparity from…

  • First fatal encounter in the Park since 1986 Grizzly bear kills hiker in Yellowstone National Park – LA Times – Greenspace Wednesday’s incident appeared to be an act of defense by the bear, which fled with her cubs.  

  • (7/1) Judge Molloy Denies Proposed Intervenors’ Stay and Reconsideration Motions – Hearing Set on Motion for Summary Judgement Safari Club and the NRA jointly filed a Motion for Reconsideration of Judge Molloy’s previous order denying the groups intervenor status in the litigation.  Asking the judge to reconsider is a procedural requirement if the groups wish to appeal to…

  • Livestock disease infects at least 11 in Washington and Montana Q-fever is a little-know, under-reported disease that sheep, goats, and cattle carry and transmit to humans.   Listed as a potential bio-terrorism agent, recreationists – especially those with immunity issues, children and pregnant women – should take proper precautions to avoid domestic sheep on public lands…

  • Lines between Livestock, Sporting and Gun Groups Continue to Blur John Campbell (R-CA), Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Gary Peters (D-MI) co-sponsored the bipartisan Lethal Predator Control Amendment, an amendment t0 H.R. 2112 (the Agriculture appropriations bill), which would have cut Wildlife Service’s $11 million appropriation used for a program that kills predators on behalf of…

  • Mycologist Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world

  • Former gubernatorial candidate and outspoken anti-wolf activist Rex Rammel, charged with poaching an elk, added an alleged felony to his legal repertoire when he stood outside of the Bonneville County courthouse handing flyers out to potential jurors in his elk poaching case. Following is a video taken when Rex Rammel called a press conference to explain the…

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