Brian Ertz

  • Recently, Western Watersheds Project won a court victory halting corporate livestock ranching on 450,000 acres on the Jarbidge Field Office, BLM in southern Idaho. It was a sweet victory for sage grouse, wildlife, and other environmental values in southern Idaho – but it may or may not be short-lived. Later this month, the Idaho U.S.…

  • The U.S. Department of the Interior is looking for a new logo and has submitted its request to an online forum in where anyone can sign up to submit their ideas and compete for the $1000 award should their logo design be selected by the agency. Logo: U.S. Department of the Interior – crowdSPRING The…

  • Bruce Babbit knows all about the difficulty of confronting entrenched anti-environmental interests, but Obama’s capitulation seems to go beyond “bad negotiating”.  The White House has made a conscious decision to sell-out America’s environmental heritage to placate the House of Representatives.  Babbit has had enough: Former Interior secretary calls out Obama on the environment – L.A. Times It’s…

  • “Reduced grazing saves carbon” A few years ago we discussed a Wohlfahrt study in the Mojave Desert which strongly suggested that desert ecosystems may play a significant role in sequestering carbon out of the atmosphere and sinking it into the soil.  Studies in Germany likewise demonstrated that human impact to soils both decreases the amount of…

  • George Wuerthner has authored this important report evaluating the objects of current and historical predator management and its consequences. Management of Predators: A need for changes in policies By George Wuerthner, May 2011 – Commissioned by Big Wildlife ABSTRACT: Management of predators has historically been based on extirpation and/or a grudging tolerance of low populations.…

  • Obama and Salazar take back the crumbs they kicked Wilderness advocates ‘Wild lands’ order revoked – BLM can no longer grant wilderness-like protection – Idaho Mountain Express Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar wrote a memo to bureau Director Bob Abbey on Wednesday confirming that the BLM is not authorized to designate any of its land…

  • For those looking for a laugh, the Idaho Statesman‘s relentless infatuation with Cowboy Custom & Culture never fails to disappoint: Documenting the Idaho buckaroo way of life – The Idaho Statesman Owyhee County rancher Paul Nettleton adds that “cowboys dance in bars and ride in rodeos. Buckaroos herd cows day in and day out. They’re…

  • Suggests government policy/subsidies – not free market – give wildlife conflicting, utility-scale projects an edge over distributed generation NRG Energy CEO David Crane, lead investor in the controversial Ivanpah Solar Thermal Energy Project, discusses why giant utility-scale renewable energy projects are economically viable and what the future might look like for renewables with a reduction…

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