George Wuerthner

  • Yellowstone National Park brings out the best in society. Photo George Wuerthner  I spent the past week in Yellowstone National Park. I was grateful to the people who had the courage and foresight to establish Yellowstone in 1872. It was with gratitude that I watched grizzly bears playing among the meadows. Gratitude that I got…

  •   Izembek National Wildlife Refuge is a 315,000 acre protected landscape located on the Alaskan Peninsula, a chain of volcanos that eventually leds to the Aleutian Islands. Former President Jimmy Carter has filed an AMICUS CURIAE supporting a rehearing of a District Court decision to allow a road to be constructed across the Izembek National…

  •   The Hoover Wilderness lies on the Bridgeport Ranger District. Photo George Wuerthner  Photo George Wuerthner  There is not often good news to report when it comes to livestock grazing on public lands; but I finally have something positive to convey: four vacant grazing allotments will remain closed by a draft decision of the Bridgeport…

  • King Cove, Alaska. Photo Center for American Progress Recently Secretary of Interior Deb Haaland visited the isolated  Aleut community of King Cove on the Alaskan Peninsula southwest of Anchorage, Alaska, to see and hear firsthand whether to approve the construction of a road across the Izembek Wilderness and National Wildlife Refuge.  A federal court approved…

  • The Bitterroot Mountains rise up above the Bitterroot Valley in western Montana. Photo George Wuerthner  Montana’s Bitterroot National Forest is proposing the Bitterroot Front Project (BFP), encompassing 144,000 acres. This action will impact an area more than four times the size of the 34,000-acre Rattlesnake Wilderness north of Missoula. The Bitterroot Front Project will impact…

  • The Rogue River cuts through the coastal Siskiyou Mountains. Photo George Wuerthner  Congressman Peter DeFazio (D) from Eugene, Oregon, has introduced into the House the Wild Rogue Conservation and Recreation Enhancement Act. It is a companion bill to earlier legislation in the Senator supported by Senators Wyden and Merkley. Rogue River. Photo George Wuerthner  The…

  • Escudilla Mountain rises above the landscape and dominates the views in northern Arizona. Photo George Wuerthner  “Life in Arizona was bounded underfoot by grama grass, overhead by the sky, and on the horizon by Escudilla.” So begins Aldo Leopold’s memorable essay Escudilla in Sand County Almanac, where he describes the killing of Bigfoot, one of…

  • Learning to live with mosquitoes sometimes requires working from the body outward. Photo George Wuerthner   Our approach to mosquitoes and wildfires has much in common. Both are typically maligned, and most humans wouldn’t care if they were all eliminated or suppressed. Yet both are essential components of the ecosystem. What we need is a…

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