George Wuerthner

  •   Our current means of protecting wildlands is to set a boundary around the area. Humans do not create wilderness with survey lines. Any more than we create blue skies with a weather report. We can only recognize and sanction what already exists. San Francisco may well be one of the more beautiful settings for…

  • I helped to create RESTORE the North Woods in 1991 which put forth a proposal for a 3.2 million acre national park in the Maine Woods. I’ve been a board member and now president for a long time now. We still are advocating for a large national park in Maine and achieved the beginnings of…

  • Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. The park was originally created to protect geological phenomena like geysers and canyons. Photo George Wuerthner The year 2022 is the 150th birthday of the creation of Yellowstone National Park. The establishment of the park in 1872 is something to celebrate globally. It is a shining beacon for conservation as…

  • Snow bound peaks of Yellowstone National Park. Photo George Wuerthner One of the big lies perpetuated by new revisionists in the WOKE movement (AKA David Treuer’s piece in Atlantic as an example), which continues to be repeated over and over without any effort by any “so-called” conservation groups to correct is the notion that Indians were…

  • Gravelly Range has extensive uplands. Photo by Ralph Maughan The Greenhorn Vegetation Managment plan calls for logging and burning thousands of acres in the spectacular Gravelly Range of Montana, primarily to benefit the local ranchers. The Gravellies occupy the western edge of what is typically recognized as the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The Beaverhead Deerlodge National…

  • Livestock grazing in the arid West has a disproportionate impact on ecosystems. but especially on public lands which are to be managed for other values. Photo George Wuerthner  Representatives Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) introduced the Voluntary Grazing Permit Retirement Act of 2022. The Act would give federal grazing permit holders the chance…

  • Yellowstone was established in 1872 primarily to protect the unique geological thermal features of the park. Photo George Wuerthner  I see almost weekly repetitions of the myths or revisionist history about Yellowstone and critiquing conservation efforts in general, primarily coming from Anthropocene boosters which now include many in leftish politics. In the long run, I…

  • Let’s stop the destructive road into the Brooks Range for good. Write now to kill the Ambler access road.   The Kobuk River near the village of Kobuk, Brooks Range, Alaska. Photo George Wuerthner While most attention of conservation groups has focused on proposals to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, a perhaps bigger threat…

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