Author: Ralph Maughan

  • Our readers find a lot of news, and they have many comments. Please post your news and comments below at “Leave a reply.” Here is the link to the old thread that’s now being retired — March 26, 2014.

  • Finally a one-place compilation of information- With all the media, much of it with an agenda, covering this story, finally there is a compilation of facts, and text of court cases on the situation. It is in a new Wikipedia article. We imagine Fox News and others in the media are pouring over it right…

  • Slide was not started by spring thaw and rain alone- The slide (or maybe best called a “slump”) above the northwest part of Jackson, Wyoming was not just the product of a wet spring, the spring thaw, and a steep slope known to have been unstable. A lengthy story in the Jackson Hole News and…

  • This is a big laugh, but does have important info about Bundy’s rangeland harm- For those who don’t want to discuss rangeland, wildlife, trespassing cattle, rare animals like tortoises, or Cliven Bundy’s damage to the public land, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is an impossible to ignore target. After all Senator Reid lives in Nevada…

  • By Ralph Maughan and Ken Cole In the acrimonious case of Cliven Bundy, it is important that folks understand a bit about the history of the U.S. public lands. Cliven Bundy, the rancher whose cattle were rounded up and then released by the BLM over the weekend, claims that his family has used the land…

  • Right wing seizes on Bundy trespass to go after Harry Reid- When a local issue goes national, it is often warped into other political agendas. We see that clearly with Cliven Bundy’s 20 years of public land cattle trespass coming to a head. A cursory search shows a sudden explosion of articles claiming Nevada’s senior…

  • Right wing outcry brings milita. Violence? It’s difficult to find news stories that stick to the issue of the 21 years Cliven Bundy has been in violation of the laws governing American public lands. The lone rancher trying to save his cattle from the “govmnt” is just too good a theme. Then too, they don’t…

  • Area beneath East Gros Ventre Butte closed- Update on 4/11 at the bottom of page- After the deadly slide at Oso, Washington, people take landslides more seriously.  The area on the East Gros Ventre Butte at Jackson, Wyoming, has developed a bulge, signaling an incipient mudslide. Below it there are about about 60 residents living…

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