Author: Ralph Maughan

  • Total trespass cattle secured 389- 134 cattle secured by Monday night- 43 additional cattle by Tuesday night- 75 more cattle by Wednesday night- 25 more Thursday night, 12 more Friday night- On Saturday, April 5 the U.S. Bureau of Land Management BLM) began rounding up the hundreds of cattle owned by rancher Cliven Bundy of…

  • No wolf population growth and almost no livestock depredations- The 2013 official Washington State wolf report is out today. It shows a very slight population increase from 2012 — from 51 to 52 wolves. Because random effects loom so large in small populations, it is most reasonable to call the situation “no growth,” “stable.” Because…

  • Four experts on wolves, cougars, grizzly bears, and other predators will present and discuss- The “Predators, Prey, Habitats” symposium will feature presentation on wolves, cougars, grizzly bears, and other predators and how they effect prey species and habitats at Idaho State University Wed., April 9th at 6:30 p.m. on campus in the Gale Life Science Bldg.,…

  • In the latest Jackson Hole News and Guide, outdoor writer Todd Wilkinson discusses the question, “Do wolves, cougars help curb diseases?” At the Wildlife News we have posed the same question. Properly stated this question can be investigated scientifically. First a hypothesis (or hypotheses) need to be stated in a way that things can be observed…

  • Early morning earthquake was in area NNE of Norris Geyser Basin- The big news on the web yesterday was about the moderate tremblor at Los Angeles. However, a quake about a third as strong happened inside Yellowstone National Park 4 miles north by northeast of Norris. This doesn’t mean there is about to be an…

  • Wilderness Act of 1964 was the beginning of statutory protection of wild country- It took seven years to move the Wilderness Act through Congress, but finally in 1964 it passed and President Lyndon Johnson signed the bill into law.  While some Forest Service lands had already been administratively protected as a kind of backcountry called…

  • Did militant unlimited property-rights firebrand die in Oso landslide? Many speculate why there was so little action to prevent building below an obvious landslide area near Oso, Washington, where now 25 bodies have been recovered. A likely contributing factor has just emerged in the news. Living in the path of the landslide was Thom Satterlee, 65, and…

  • Warning after warning was given- Although first reports from local officials after the lethal mud slide were basically, “we had no idea, a bolt from the blue, this came out of nowhere, an Act of God,” etc., many warnings were given over the years from experts, agencies and the state. There were actions to stop and…

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