Ralph Maughan

  • It is time for a new page of reader generated wildlife news. Please use “comment” at the bottom to post your news. Do not post entire articles unless you have our permission, or post copyrighted materials unless you own the copyright. Here is the link to the most recent — “old” news.

  • Hunters split. So were wolf advocates- The wolf stamp hearing is over. It was teleconferenced. It seems like those for it were about equal to the number of opponents. Just as interesting is the hunters were divided on it, and so were wolf advocates. The split among the latter has been mirrored at the Wildlife…

  • Cliven Bundy is free. Michael Brown dead. Justice? Ferguson, Missouri, teenager Michael Brown was shot six times and killed nine days ago by officer Darren Wilson. Brown was shot because, perhaps, he was resisting arrest for jaywalking or stealing cigars. Unarmed local residents gathered to protest his death. They were met by local law enforcement…

  • After years of landscape scale drought in Nevada, irrational grazing practices continue. While the Bureau of Land Management is required by federal law to protect wildlife habitat on our public lands, the agency has been woefully lax in addressing the combined impacts of livestock grazing and drought on habitat essential to sage-grouse, antelope, mule deer…

  • News Release. WWP refutes rancher claims and files counterclaims- Jackson, WY—A month ago the Western Watersheds Project was sued by a group of Wyoming ranchers who alleged the group trespassed in order to collect samples of poor quality water from streams within public grazing allotments on federal land. Now the Western Watersheds Project (WWP) has filed its answer to those claims,…

  • These elements of “industrial agriculture” not needed at refuges- Pressure to ban neonictinoid pesticides and mobilization against GE crops has been growing. The U.S. government is perceived by many to be slow to respond to concern about neonics, or on the wrong side with genetically engineered crops or animals. Now, however, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service…

  • Other drone users just warned- What rangers saw as a bad attitude by an illegal drone user in Grand Teton National Park resulted in the first ticket for drone use in that national park. According to the Jackson Hole News the man had got his drone stuck in a tree in the Gros Ventre Campground.…

  • Could native pollinators save us? Most folks are now aware that our honeybees are in big trouble. Public opinion surveys shows more total agreement about this environmental threat than global warming, likely because Republicans worry about the bees, but not climate change/global warming. Democrats and independents worry about both. There is no consensus on the…

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