Press Release

  • Citizen Sacrifices Self to Draw Attention to, and Stop Wild Bison Slaughter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 6, 2014 Contacts: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071 Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-640-0109 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, GARDINER BASIN, MT: This morning, Comfrey Jacobs, a twenty-year old citizen concerned for wild bison, placed life, limb and freedom on…

  • New plan aims to reduce population by 60% to please elk hunters POCATELLO, Idaho – In an effort to inflate elk populations for commercial outfitters and hunters, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) hopes to kill 60 percent of the wolves in the Middle Fork area of central Idaho’s Frank Church River of…

  • For Immediate Release, September 23, 2013 Contact:​Tierra Curry, Center for Biological Diversity, (928) 522-3681 ​​Kylie Paul, Defenders of Wildlife, (406) 370-6979 ​​Gary Macfarlane, Friends of the Clearwater, (208) 882-9755 ​​Travis Bruner, Western Watersheds Project (208) 788-2290 ​​ Endangered Species Act Protection Sought for Northern Rockies Fisher Rare Forest Carnivore Threatened by Trapping, Habitat Loss MISSOULA,…

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