Mike Garrity
We have all read about the thousands of Forest Service employees Elon Musk laid off without cause in Trump’s reckless attempt to cut the Federal budget by $2 trillion. Unfortunately, many of those laid off were minimally-paid seasonal employees who clean outhouses, maintain campgrounds, and clear hiking trails. The old saying “penny wise and pound…
Editor’s Note: As I have said before, it’s the small to tiny organizations who do most of the work. Here, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, working on a shoestring budget with basically a single full-time person, is taking on the Goliath of the Forest Service. Again, my suggestion from having worked in the trenches of…
The Alliance for the Wild Rockies, Native Ecosystems Council and Council on Wildlife and Fish filed a lawsuit in federal court in Montana against a road-building and commercial logging project on public lands in the Big Belt Mountains of Montana. The challenged Wood Duck project is located in a wildlife corridor that is critical for…
A phrase attributed to labor organizer Joe Hill is fitting for this moment: “Don’t Mourn. Organize.” Or in the words of writer Ed Abbey,: “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul.” During the last Trump Administration our small, gritty organization, the Alliance for the Wild Rockies, sued the Trump Administration 18 times to…
The Gold Butterfly logging and burning project, east of Corvallis, Montana, is in wolverine and grizzly bear habitat and bull trout critical habitat in the Sapphire Mountains on the Bitterroot National Forest. The Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Native Ecosystems Council filed a lawsuit on September 9th against the Bitterroot National Forest seeking to stop the Gold Butterfly logging and…
The numbers don’t lie — and the sage grouse “collaborative conservation effort” is a total and on-going failure. There were 16 million Greater Sage Grouse before Europeans arrived and began the destruction of the “sagebrush sea” in the Great Plains. The iconic birds were down to 400,000 in 2015 when Obama’s Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell, rejected…