Jonathan Ratner
You probably remember this photo from last year when Cody Roberts brought a wolf he had run over with his snowmobile into the bar in Daniel, WY. The story and photo went around the world and generated nearly universal disgust. Now, more than a year later, it is still legal. The new legislative session has…
As many of you know, domestic sheep are the primary impediment to bighorn sheep recovery because the domestic sheep transmit disease to the bighorn sheep. PBS did a decent video on the issue: What the video fails to mention is that livestock permits on our public lands are a privilege, not a right, and can…
For sagebrush and science geeks, USGS is hosting a series of webinars on sagebrush issues starting at the end of January Dates and Topics: 1/30 – Greater sage-grouse 2/6 – Invasive species, restoration effectiveness, and monitoring 2/20 – Monitoring, pinyon-juniper, and fuels management 2/27 – Fire, fuels management, invasive species 3/6 – Climate, carbon, and more…
From our friends at Population Balance comes a new episode of their podcast with Mathis Wackernagel, co-founder of the Global Footprint Network To listen and for links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, click on the image above or here.
Here is an interesting opportunity for folks. WWP is putting on a seminar about new research regarding how livestock disrupt the normal nitrogen flows. We’re excited to invite you to the first installment of our 2025 Webinar Series! Join us for a compelling presentation that uncovers how human activities are reshaping the sagebrush steppe ecosystem—and…
Chad Hanson is a research ecologist and the director of the John Muir Project of Earth Island Institute, located in Big Bear City, California. Dr. Hanson has a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of California at Davis, with a research focus on fire ecology in conifer forest ecosystems, and he is the author of…
I won’t go into the most disastrous of Biden’s mistakes, the appointment of the jellyfish-like Merrick Garland as Attorney General, instead focusing on public lands issues. Looking at the trajectory of public lands and wildlife issues over the last half century, what I have found consistently is that when there is a Republican administration, strong…
Thirty years ago, this month, wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. The writers at WyoFile and Montana Free Press teamed up on an excellent review of the history of the event up through the present. The article has interviews with many of the people involved. Check it out at The Year of the Wolves.…